Don’t really care who Twitter blocks or not — but want to vote with my clicks my frustration over 3rd party apps APIs. I’m leaving twitter for a few weeks tomorrow. #DeactiDay.
Don’t really care who Twitter blocks or not — but want to vote with my clicks my frustration over 3rd party apps APIs. I’m leaving twitter for a few weeks tomorrow. #DeactiDay.
3 episodes in, and Red Oaks may be my favorite TV Show this year.
We’re ok. No power right now. Cell phone signal intermittent. Building dancing like the Macarena but shutters and impact windows on site.
There must be a German word for being lucky in love but my bag always leaving the airplane last #schadencarryun?
En el poco tiempo libre que no tienen, el Foro Penal Vzlano puede ir escogiendo las plazas en todo el país que vamos a ponerle su nombre.
Wow, the first two episodes of Legion are fantastic. Hooked.
Never too late to learn the value of sleeping on it.
Up till 3am fighting with iptables in CentOS and Docker because “it was forcing port :8080”. Today realized it was a WP setting… #idiot
Strange suspicion that some of my devs call me RO not because of my name, but because of my Read Only access to the repository.
Finally saw Arrival. As great as everyone said it was.
Finally saw Rogue One. My current favorite Star Wars movie of the XXI century.
I’m ready to stop complaining about the new MacBook Pro, and pay for the next iCloud Drive with encryption.
Mi timeline es un espejo traducido de las elecciones presidenciales de Venezuela en el 2012 y 2013. Siento los anticuerpos protegiéndome.
My dear American friends: the next few years would be painful, but you’ll come out better on the other side. Introspection is a long game.
Hora que los Cubs se sienten a dialogar.
In a highly ironic twist of fate, Mac users now in the same position as Apple // users… realizing that Apple doesn’t get the platform.
I haven’t looked down at my keyboard in years… and the Touch Bar hasn’t yet provided a reason. This is not a Pro feature.
I know multitasking is bad, but the Touch Bar doesn’t seem compatible with my multitask habit.
People outside the US watching the #AppleEvent on their Hackintoshes are pointing and laughing right now.
If Mr Robot had come out in 2006, you’d see a lot more Mac’s. Can’t recall the last one I saw… Mac not the cool(est) anymore.
A quienes le encanta criticar a la MUD por “lentos” nunca han estado en una reunión de condominio.
Una “cucharadita” de #Toddy en el café frío señala el próximo inicio del fin de semana.
“Individual deals, with individual countries”. #Trumpxit
Still. The democratic route is the only one that offers the middle ground a path. But the temptation of shortcuts is always there.
#Turkey same conflicted feelings as Venezuela’s coup: it’s hard to defend the institution, when the one undermining it calls for its defense
I have never seen an A.I. accidentally put the ice cream in the fridge instead of the freezer.
I welcome our neural network overlords. L
A while back I decided to only allow myself to feel anxiety from politics in Venezuela. #Brexit has been hard… and Trump still ahead.
The Nice Guys is the spiritual successor to Kiss Kiss Bang Bang.
Both among my favorite movies now.
Quick! _____ :
In all 3, I murder an innocent.
Happy May 17th to my Norwegian friends! 🇳🇴
Reliable: • Software: Hard • Demos: Harder • Debugging: Hardest • Backups: Hardly
I know I’m tired when: I have to say the word in spanglish to myself so I can spell it correctly.
Release days are like greek weddings… lots of drama lead up to it, and there’s one movie too many.
Batido Naranja Cambur / Orange Banana Smoothie 2 Frozen Bananas 1 cup of Orange Juice 1/4 Cup of water 1 tbsp of sugar
Blend baby, blend.
La adversidad obligó a la MUD a crear una plataforma tecnológica para comunicarse. Y comenzaron en una curva S donde ya hay masa crítica.
“I would have written a shorter letter, but I did not have the time.” - Blaise Pascal
Saw an iPad Pro today… if the Apps come, this will be great.
Really wanted a Will McAvoy from The Newsroom character: a flawed but deep-down lovable Steve — at least by end of the movie .
Was expecting Sorkin to play with my feelings more. This Jobs you may admire, but almost certainly dislike. Goes from asshole to jerk.
Steve Jobs movie is to biographical Jobs, what the West Wing was to the Clinton Administration.
Oh, and The Martian is great. ~80% Book Great — which is really pretty good.
Apple Watch really needs a Movie Mode
, or a DND that won’t light up screen unless touched. Hate bothering everyone around in dark theater.
I would totally get wireless audio speakers in my eardrums. #takemymoneymadscientist
Evidence that liquid water flows in Mars AND videos showing iPhone 6s may be water resistant on the same week? not coincidence I tell you.
The world is filled with haters… luckily most are buyers first.
Don’t feel left out. Even if you don’t own any stocks open your default stocks app and join the funnest blood bath since the #redwedding.
The UX for Apple Siri is framed as talking with a servant, while Google Now comes across more like a peer.
Have a few high volume items that’s easy for people to print (cases, toys, …), and maybe a catalog designers can contribute and take a fee.
There seems to be an American Rugby game on TV.
But on UI/UX, MacOS is lagging: Window Mgmt, App Launching and Mgmt (the Dock), File Mgmt.
No “this changes everything” since 10.4
The old technological superiority Mac users used to have over Windows is gone. That’s ok, all cars and airliners are similarly safe.
Loved Interstellar, but don’t know if IMAX is a must. Space scenes are amazing, but got dizzy with rest of movie.
Still, ★★★★★
I admire those that treat their body as a temple.
I wonder if any of them admire my high-end food court bod’?
I just wrote my full ALL CAPS sentence in a work email.
Just nailed an emergency status update and then…
CFO: “You guys are on top of all issues, which means it has been too long”.
A year ago eCommerce End-to-End testing was an abstract concept.
Today, it’s my abstract reality.
Crunch time: when color coded status updates fly out the window and every red/yellow item becomes an email/call/meeting.
There’s either going to be an #iCloudgate this week, or a bunch of articles will need to be batch edited to prepend “allegedly”.
Just found out my name is an anagram for Atom Burro Tee
Struggling with the transcendent significance.
“Your Customer Success Manager will be joining us in the call”… and I turn off the webcam so I can roll my eyes.
Continuously amazed how much supply chain management relies in simple FTP for transactions.
something is broken when you need to work from home because you have too much stuff to get done.
If the world today was on a Risk game board… I’d think someone was messing with the secret mission cards.
Got a ticket because I used the wrong app to pay for parking spot.
A sign of the times I guess.
Cheap mexican + 2 candy bags in movie = organic container of CH₄ that leaks.
“Steve Jobs is an obsessive maniac and even he doesn’t make us pay him money to put our games on his computer” ~ Trip Hawkins, 1991
Norway folk, need to find the fastest way to get a police certificate for when I lived there.
Any reco highly appreciated.
If email is not work™ then I’m unemployed.
Software is always documented. If original developer doesn’t do it… some poor sucker will have to do it eventually.
‘Her’ is to the singularity what ‘Lost in Translation’ is to culture shock.
In so many ways the same universe, and both great movies.
The gentleman’s book is full of corollaries in the “Ladies that can’t lift their carry-on” chapter.
So stop giving me the evil eye 18A.
La emoción por protestas disruptivas en sitios fáciles y convenientes, es eco de las políticas iguales que nos llevaron a este peo.
Cuestiono el valor estratégico de trancar Caurimare y Las Mercedes. No hay universidades ni detenidos cerca. Tampoco emblemático.
Queridos estudiantes, mi corazón está con uds. Pero no mi cerebro ¿que coño están haciendo?
If 3D printed guns are the future of weapons… wars will be over soon.
“Error: MK47.3d couldn’t be printed, check driver”
I could curse at printers again… or just RT a few past ones to save time.
Sorry you have to read this.
Many reasons why, but one nice bonus is that Cmd-Shift-D is now mapped to Dropbox folder everywhere; including Save Dialogs Boxes.
When a Salad Dressing exhales: ⓐ It’s past the expiration date. ⓑ Judging your sad attempt at a diet.
For those that used FB for years, a sort of reboot would be useful: Call it “Friend Archive”, and let me pick again relevant friendships.
Facebook has tried to achieve this with algorithms, but IMHO, it hasn’t been successful.
A Like for a baby pic ≠ interest in babies.
Really think Facebook needs to deal with social network crud: I don’t have the same friends & interests I had 8/4/2 years ago.
El “un millón de gracias” ya no alcanza ni para un favorcito de pena baja.
Good meetings and lots of burgers.
Interview time (and other meetings).
No #PebbleSteel for me, but very excited about the upcoming appstore.
I’m so high from cold-medicine that I might see Santa AND Baby Jesus later.
It’s going to be the podcast of the century.
If I had a penny for every time I wash my Apple headphones with my pants… I’d still be short of the $30 being so stupid costs me.
If you just assume every tweet/email/chat has a :) at the end, the web becomes a better place.
Million dollar idea: tequila that makes you sneeze afterwards.
I’m calling it “Shot & Splat”
I think it’s great that Apple recognizes Mandela on the frontpage. But it feels marketing(ish) since they didn’t mention Jef Raskin in 2005.
“Eighty percent of success is showing up.” ~ Woody Allen
Decibel Strangle: pushing your office chair towards Computer B (in another desk), with headphones still attached to Computer A.
“Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.” ~ Nelson Mandela
aún #SinLuz en Alto Hatillo a las 7:30am.
Ceteris paribus, I don’t see either of these happening:
Es como hacer una huelga de hambre comiendo tequeños, pero condenando a los productores de harina y queso.
I currently use the following naming convention folders:
[tag] Client Project YYYY-MM [web] ACME Mobile Redesign 2013-10
I’m going to give Tags a try in Mavericks. At least for graphics/mockups a single [images] folder could be useful.
Over the last year my work emails have become very detailed. Not so much for the present, but as reference (and cover) for the future.
Crap. Hard crash, now MacBook Air shows boot-screen and then shuts down. Cloning SSD from Recovery before freaking out.
Crazy idea: adopt car year pricing model. YourApp™ 2013 sold full price initially, then discount when YourApp™ 2014 is coming.
Pricing is always hard; but exposure to: mega markets, global competition and discoverability challenges make App Store’s very interesting.
App Store operators are concentrating on volume, so complexities like paid upgrades are not desired. It’s up to devs to figure out model.
But low prices in digital goods are perceived differently by consumers. Apps now are either expensive or cheap. Value has been left out.
Software prices in App Store’s need a readjustment. The need to stand-out in crowded virtual shelf space has driven devs to lower prices.
Crap, no unlocked 5s in online US Store.
Good night then!
The question in my mind the next 90 minutes: iPhone 5S, 5C, or 5U? where U stands for used.
Las distorsiones económicas actuales en Venezuela son tan tectónicas, que aunque emigres, compras pasaje con retorno.
More accurately, we talked a bit… and I made a stupid joke about her job that she still remembered when we started going out last year.
bien pues, “saboteo”. pero exigimos la cabeza del general que se dejó.
¿o es que el imperio no hace esas cosas cuando invade?
Maybe that’s why time travelers from the future don’t visit: slow Internet.
Broadband went down mid-morning and had to work tethered at 3G/EDGE the rest of the day.
It was painful. Like being back in 2003.
I’d complain that the World War Z movie ruined a perfectly good book… but they basically just used the title.
El que nunca le dijo “mami” a una maestra, que tire la primera pene… digo, piedra.
Cuando el ventilador de techo suena… pila.
Managed #inboxzero.
In other news: my reply and follow-up labels are reporting significant traffic — as is Things inbox.
See you in 7 + 2 hrs #LatAmisbig
Job descriptions is what the company thinks you do. A job is what you think the company does.
Sometimes you go the extra mile… only to realize everyone else is on the metric system.
Heading home.
Time to earn the #bacon.
Major sneeze while brushing teeth.
Bathroom mirror AND lungs covered with toothpaste foam.
I respect all culture and beliefs… but can’t understand how people use PowerPoint.
the problem with having a really smart Excel table is that when you do something dumb… it can still look fine.
#eresfoodiesi te preocupas si alguien comenta “y ahí vemos que comemos” como parte del plan.
Just noticed that deployments to a certain server are done everyday at 13:37 CEST.
I find it cool.
Distances from:
Will “Not US-based” become a feature on web services? #PRISM
“en redes sociales no hay audiencia sino comunidades.” #DiageoEnCasa
“Cuando llega el comercial en TV, la mayoría de la gente mira su laptop/celular/etc” #DiageoEnCasa
While editing pixels, fly flew across the screen: brain assumed it was the mouse cursor, hand agreed. Water was spilled.
iPhone 4S just crashed to a hard floor with such intensity, it turned off.
7 curse words later, seems fine. Like a (glass covered) rock.
and the wicked fairy told my father: “he’ll have 10 fingers and toes; but will NEVER open a yogurt without spraying himself!”
My curse.
“Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence” — Napoleon Bonaparte.
~ véase también: fornido.
Istanbul (Not Constantinople) / #wedding
“Maybe the most underappreciated thing about Steve was that he had the courage to change his mind. And you know—it’s a talent.” ~ Tim Cook
Heading home!
Calma, calma, calma.
Sin drama o misterios, fue un final de fotografía y exigimos nuestro derecho de revisar la foto.
Es noche de esperar lo que HACEN, no lo que dicen.
En Caracas. Listo para #votarymas
Pero de vuelta el sábado, porque #yosoyvenezolano.
Turbulence makes you wish you were on the ground. Unless, of course, that’s where you are heading.
When a developer reply is more cryptic than a software error prompt, you know one’s buggy and the other a jackass.
“It’s so hard to forget pain, but it’s even harder to remember sweetness. We have no scar to show for happiness.” ~ Chuck Palahniuk
So, no OSX 10.9 previews today then?
“Know what’s weird? Day by day, nothing seems to change. But pretty soon… everything’s different.” ~ Bill Watterson
Of course, I could just use a radix sorting algorithm for all the places I’d look for, but then I’d forget what I wanted to find.
I can find everything on last place I look for it.
Unless I ask myself “what’s the last place I’d look for this?” then it’s on the 1st.
Yes, I’ll open the attachment continuously updated for the past 3 weeks, and copy&paste the info you need.
No prob, I ♡ editing unread .xls
You know they say; lucky in seat assignment… unlucky in bag coming out.
3 day layover to visit my sis!
tilbake i Oslo
Damn long stopover at LHR… just bought a Kindle Paperwhite 3G
#muchwork #coldweather #warmfriends
Combinado, unas 3 Billones de personas en plan maestro para que nosotros 30 millones andemos en bicicleta.
De buena fuente: acaparamiento masivo de carros en China, India, Japón, Korea, México, Brasil y hasta Detroit.
Tapiti Tapiti Tap Tapiti Tap Tap Tapiti Tap ⌘+C ⌘+V Tapiti Tap Tapiti ⌘+V Tap…
Save this as draft? [space] instead of ↩︎
‘When the axe came into the woods, many of the trees said, “At least the handle is one of us.”’ ~ Proverb
Either the magnitude of this task is looming before me… or my pilates ball has a leak.
I’m sure an engineer will figure out how to ping electric shocks via HTTP after reading this task request.
And I deserve it.
25 years ago, this building was a house, and on this house we waited for the operator to call back and talk long distance to the US.
This safety razor shave would have been better for everybody if I’d just gone to the barber shop, and donated the same amount of blood.
6h ago: “Might as well clean my inbox” 5h59m ago: 1 New Mail 5h58m45s ago: “Oh crap”
Attempting #inboxzero is tempting the gods.
The Hobbit was fun. Not a great movie, but a nice ride.
Going with my Mom¹ and Dad to The Hobbit tonight.
¹My search history now includes “best time for bathroom break in the hobbit”
Let’s be clear, the Mayan calendar predicted the end of the world as much as my iPhone running out of battery means the end of electricity.
It’s already December 21st in Australia… So typical for end of the world to be late.
(I’ll breath easier when it’s 12am in Zurich)
Cartero toca el timbre para el aguinaldo. Me disculpo que no tengo efectivo, pero que mañana acomodamos.
“Yo no sé si paso esta semana”.
Tengo un dedo pintado de votar, y le pinto otro dedo a los que no creen que deben ir. #yoyavote
Fajarse en la difícil de ganar, pero desanimarse en las que ya hemos ganado, es actitud de flojo.
Vota e invita a votar el #16D.
I’ve been wrong before, but’ll never be as wrong as when I contracted but I will on an email.
Where’re my grammar manners?
I listened Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness thousands of times by myself in front of a PC.
17 years later… I now have a Mac.
Sueño: Poder viajar en el tiempo a la reunión donde inventaron el Choco Müsli… y cachetear a quien dijo “¡Y pasas también!”
Completely messed up my Mac’s networking, but got a lot better at sniffing traffic data.
Whoever designed the AppleTV controller tested it standing up, and not sprawled on a couch.
Damn thing disappears between cushions
No puedo confirmar ni negar que hoy vi algo que me hizo cagarme de la risa.
Went with Whisky, but not to worry, I’ve enough magazine ads to know it’s ok to drink while working — as long as I lean forward on my elbow.
Hmmm, just remotely captured packets using a VPN to log an issue… but it worked… though not according to the log.
I’m getting a beer.
Espero que el mundo se acabe en 19 días… no creo que pueda sobrevivir un año de gente refiriéndose a la fecha como ‘2012+1’.
A wise man never said: “yeah, the milk smells funny, but I’m sure it’s fine”.
Movember ends at home.
Going crazy looking for important email from client I got yesterday… just realized I dreamt it.
If the world is going to end on Dec 21st, today is a great day to buy all “No payments for 30 days” things you may want.
Just saying…
muito trabalho.
“He does watercolors. Mostly landscapes but a few nudes.”
Yep, really liked Moonrise Kingdom
I just got beat-up by a conference call. Walked right into it. Better understand where villains come from now.
Time is funny… not always laugh out loud funny; but at least smile-and-shake-head funny.
“do you have a dogs barking ringtone?”
Working from home provides interesting background noise for conference calls.
Booyah! TV now working, aaaaaaaaand with US Netflix and Hulu.
When in doubt… I rewatch The West Wing (first 4 seasons).
All good now. What’s next?
Este martes de noviembre se lee como un domingo de octubre en mi twitter, pero en inglés.
Trees do not have bones.
Chef Boyardee is not the Prime Minister of Italy. He is the Vice President.
Burritos are not “male tacos.”
“You can tell how smart people are by what they laugh at.” — Tina Fey
Lo único que he visto a venezolanos leer más detalladamente que las instrucciones de CADIVI, son las cotufas de microonda.
Hasta que Toddy no se sincere y duplique las cucharadas recomendadas, no será un éxito en países donde siguen las instrucciones.
“Otra sangría, pero menos ensalada de frutas y más vino tinto”
Que niche se pone uno con la 2da jarra de frutas.
TV giving my parents AppleID “An error occurred loading this content” trying to play rented movies. No issues with my AppleID.
Heading home :)
Ok. too drunk to shave now, but starting tomorrow… Movember is on!!!
Los tres taxistas chilenos que les he preguntado si bailan tango GRITAN ante la sugerencia. Pero después del horror se ríen.
See you below the equator.
All I’m saying is that - if Curling is an Olympic sport, then Airport Gate Change Sprint should get a chance.
post friends-week blues.
Bought an all-natural hippie deodorant, and (oh, surprise) now I smell like an all-natural hippie; which defeats the whole purpose.
I hum “♪ Why♩don’t you ♬ piiiiick up? ♫” to rhythm of The Foundations “Build me up”, when on hold…
Someday awkwardness will ensue.
Love the iPad mini Ad.
If Twitter or Facebook displayed their timeline as a Gantt chart… nobody would do anything fun.
♥ how NYC can go from freaky to fun, to 90’s, to crazy and back to fun, in just a few blocks.
Problem is you pay cover at every stop.
I was going to make a sarcastic comments about working on a plane… but wifi on flights is so effing cool.
Business travel is like email, it feels like work… but it ain’t.
Ya sé de donde recuerdo esta sensación: ¡estoy despechado!
Mi media naranja (+4%), no quiere nada conmigo.
Today I think I’ll be 1 in 9 million :)
Dealing with massive email list is a pain in the IMAP.
Done for today, expecting an onslaught first thing… today
After going through ~2000 support messages, I can now appreciate the one-off email with something nice to say.
The hum of the electric razor can be calming… until it goes two octaves lower and you just know —there’s a bald spot on your left cheek.
Me: are you sure I’ll make the connection at São Paulo? Her: sim senhor M: and my bag? H: even more sure. M: ? H: mesmo avião senhor M: …
Acabo de escribir “requete full”.
Por lo que no queda duda que soy de comienzos de los 80.
No es que estemos polarizados, sino que nadie nos explicó para que eran las dos filas. #BájaloDeEsaNube #V07A
No es que los parques no tengan luz, es que las luciérnagas son capitalistas/imperialistas/saboteadoras. #BájaloDeEsaNube #V07A
No es que el teleférico este malo, es que solo funciona de bajada #BájaloDeEsaNube #V07A
“Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”
Guys, really? we have nothing to counter this campaign?
I may have considerably underestimated how long it would take to hang dry my clothes.
Washing “Everything but swimsuit” now seems dumb.
1988: made horrible mug for Mom… and she showed it to all her friends.
2012: sent a hug and kiss via a tweet, and she RT.
When InboxZero™ becomes ArchiveForLaterSearch®
my extreme sport: crazy taxi rides.
I’ve stared at death in headlights once again.
I love the smell of SIM cards in the morning.
A man, a task, and the sudden realization that the spreadsheet before him has been filled with the wrong data.
I’m amazingly fluent in the international hand sign of ‘One Draft Beer Please’.
I wish upon star to answer this email by saying “I have no idea what you’re talking about… but NEITHER DO YOU”.
nada contra español: es un idioma para poesía, humor, romance y drama en general.
Pero no “Características del Servidor Transcodificador”
translating tech documentation to español makes want to smoke something illegal.
Drunk enough to be sincere… sober enough to be serious.
Wish: I wish I were home. Hope: I hope this bus heads home.
Verbs and travel… it’s complicated.
Detrás de cada kilo de chalequeo hay 35.274 onzas de verdad… O 4.227 copas por cada litro.
every few months I encounter a tie that just seems to say: “nahh, don’t think so” when I try to get the knot an length right.
Huge stretch/yawn while sitting on a pilates ball… I just performed a Funniest Home Movie sketch with no audience. #ouch.
There’s a summer camp next door. They are LOUD.
But, I can hear they have a little brat called Mateo, that is driving them crazy.
Looking for an Apartment or Room in Rio de Janeiro from Sept 13 - Oct 5.
Any tips welcomed!
“I campaigned for JFK because he’s Catholic and I’m Catholic and they never said it, but you knew you were going to hell if you didn’t.”
Would you look at that? Versions on Mac just saved me about 45min of rework.
#coolontheoutside #screamingofjoyinside
After some careful analysis, it’s now obvious that ‘Full Summary’ is a really stupid heading.
I postulate that “once you pop you can’t stop” was thought up by a creative in a urinal after a night of too many beers.
“Oh, that’s expected behaviour”.
Best thing I heard today.
Debugging computers is hard. Debugging humans is harder.
It’s easier to make sense of a log file than an agenda.
Would you look at that? the time reporting system DOES let you record time spent filling it #101010
I wish time recording systems would let you record the time you spend on time recording systems trying to figure how to record time.
Prof. G: “Trade-Secret: The JAD file MUST have a blank line at the end for it to work!”
Not sure these are happy or angry tears…
Super productive the last two hours. I think. Just wrote “Need to check next tomorrow confirm” on my tasks lists… yeah, no clue either.
love affair with AppleTV slightly diminished when I couldn’t figure out how to play The Hunger Games iTunes Extras.
“Have adventures. The Hemingway mode was in ascendancy for decades before it was eclipsed by trendy fabulist “exercises.” — Colson Whitehead
In sex and in networking, you must always be mindful of the ACK Timeout.
Meatloaf, Ricardo Arjona and UB40… my iPhone in shuffle reminded me why heading home early was a good idea.
The only way I can claim anything remotely similar to #InboxZero this week is if I switch back to roman numerals.
maybe we quickly forget dreams for those few times when we have a horrible nightmare.
A wise man just told me: “Report things that are out of your control FIRST. The rest no one really cares about.”
Heading to San Fran to grab a beer. any recos?
Indian Monty Python “Always Look at the Bright Side of Life” with NBC bleep was just epic #London2012
catching up with old friends is always hard: too much celebrating and remembering in a short span.
Resignation: when you give up trying to pick the raisins out of Trail Mix and just grab a handful.
Growing up ain’t easy.
Kinda anti-climatic that new –purchased in Apple retail Store— MacBook Air still comes with Lion.
Captain: “please remember to place your rollerboards wheels first on the overhead bin”.
Yeps, I’m flying to San Francisco.
I would have expected this from a Monday, but a Tuesday? I thought we had something.
Of course, the side-glances and stares from the receptionist now make a lot more sense. And my previous hypothesis, a bit narcissistic.
“why are you measuring signal strength in the bathroom? Who needs WiFi there?”
I sometimes find my lifestyle difficult to explain.
Estimados amigos vacacionistas de cubículos e insolados por luces de neón: encima de Caracas no hay ni una. sola. nube. #aquemañanallueve
me considero quejón de oportunidades iguales: tanto el carro con calcomanía de Rosario que no da paso, como el de ‘racing’ que va lento.
/dev/sda Looks like the RAID 1 configuration is working.
/dev/sdc Looks like the RAID 1 configuration is working.
I have calmly decided to go to bed, run 10K in the morning, and then get on the roof and kill this fucking access point.
INDEPABIS debería tener una extensión para cuando alguien trae pie de guayaba en vez de chocolate.
I once arrived to a bar so early… they threw me in.
I fought the proxy and I won I needed a server and I got mine The proxy don’t mean shit if you’ve got the right ports. That’s how IT is run.
“Unlike X, the Y fork developer is not existentially challenged.”
Sometimes forums are great.
Turns out “The one that got away” is not a reference to Duck Hunt.
I really need to stop talking to my dogs and expect a reply. It’s freaking-out the cat.
Yeah baby, I have my boxers on, grab my MacBook Air, sit on the bed and… “EAAAAAAOOHHHHOLLY CRAP THE METAL IS COLD”
Our mail programs used to respect us. There was a time when they would announce royally that You got mail. Now a vibrate is all we get.
“You can’t fire me! I… oh, you actually can’t? I’d have to do WHAT?!”
Strict labor laws have ruined many TV sitcom scripts.
Status: Happy monday everybody!
Real Status: i miss friday.
Home is where a long hot shower is.
I blame TV horror films for my lack of handyman skills.
Sink food disposers, breaker boxes and gas stoves, all sound like #deathtraps.
“Live each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit and resign yourself to the influences of each.” — Thoreau
Desde la autopista no veo que viene lluvia, sino una catarata ambulante.
“If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they’ll kill you.” — Oscar Wilde
36 hours after running #10k my walking can be described as:
algún día moriré de la risa, pero que reclame alguien que me está pasando por el hombrillo es comedia pura.
Apple: “To the 7 bloggers who tried iWork․com 3 years ago, please download your docs before July 31”.
Receta para perder las orejas esta semana: ir a la barbería y decir “pásame la cuatro”.
If time is absolute and space is relative, then waking up at this hour to go run must break some natural law.
Qué día de parada ni qué día se parada: partido de lo que sea a las 8am y 5pm.
Ciudad estaba como una seda.
What?! Oh, fudge.
The Newsroom episode 1 link I RT yesterday is not ‘available in your country’.
I’m torrentially sad about it.
I’m sure Karl Marx was a time traveller who got REALLY PISSED at his bank’s website.
Mis 30 comenzaron cuando salió un reloj que cuenta piscinas.
En mi juventud soñe con él por miles de miles metros.
Holy crap! The Fall Hyperion just went all ‘The Matrix’ on me (in the good way).
Long night ahead…
Si haber vamos, prefiero que conviertan La Carlota en un aeropuerto antes que en una pista de F1.
¿Perdón? a coño, verdad.
“The venn diagram of boys who don’t like smart girls and boys you don’t wanna date is a circle.” — John Green
“A fool finds no pleasure in understanding but delights in airing his own opinions” — Richard Dawkins
“I’ve made a huge tiny mistake.” ~ Gob Bluth
“Sometimes I feel so sick at the state of the world, that I can’t even finish my second apple pie.” — Banksy in Wall and Piece
Have you practiced with you air drums lately?
C’mon, even fake instruments need some love. Now give me some snare and cymbals action.
mucha gente al volante ha debido de ser BURDA de mala en tetris.
o simplemente son mala gente.
En series de 200mts espalda, combato la tentación de la carrilera durante 170mts.
Épico debate moral.
And for all of you who don’t care, count yourselves lucky that I won’t share, my #WWDC underwear.
“We are all here on earth to help others… what on earth the others are here for, I don’t know.” — W.H. Auden
“I kind of see plot as a necessary intrusion on what I really want to do, which is write musical dialogue.” — Aaron Sorkin
/night/ Chocolate Cake → nightmares, toss & turns, thirst, stomach ache.
/morning/ Chocolate Cake.
Freedom is such a heavy burden.
Phone interviews are A LOT more fun when you just tell the truth.
I never get the job offer, but still.
Interponsable. adj. Dicho de personal de ‘inter’ que hace cita para instalar servicio y nunca llega. (por 3ra vez).
Es algo incongruente que para votar necesites capta-huella pero para ser candidato no.
“If you want to know the truth of who you are, walk until not a person knows your name.” — Patrick Rothfuss in The Wise Man’s Fear
“Sir, I need you to please put away the iPad for take-off”
“Bitch please”
Funny in my head, but a punch in the face in real life™.
So whoever utters these words: “It should be mine ’cause I saw it first” gets instantly vaporized by a sentient parking meter.
I hope someday technology will allow us to solve one of the most divisive ideological conflicts of humanity: Parking Space Entitlement.
say what you will about WebApps, but reloading a website is a lot less painful than restarting an app.
My monologue on using 60 seconds vs. 1:00 minute on the microwave continues to NOT find an audience.
“You know that the opposite of now isn’t … OK, look! washing the dishes.”
Some people don’t respond well to motivational sayings.
“…and that’s my brilliant business idea”
“I’m pretty sure that’s illegal”
We need to colonize new planets soon.
“¿Dónde estás?” “AQUÍ”
Porqué el GPS no fue inventando en Venezuela.
“sí se les esta quitando la pava, es que el pavoso se está muriendo”.
Los almuerzos familiares siempre están llenos de sabiduría.
Those who don’t get reading on an iPad haven’t had a huge wet sneeze sneak up on them recently.
(wipes screen).
Mi momento #meiriademasiado de la semana… me niego a ver The Avengers en español.
“Nonfiction conveys information. Fiction conveys emotion.” Sol Stein
Phew, everything seems to be working now.
Kids, remember to measure twice before anything DNS related.
Now I remember why I have a rule about not touching Nameservers and DNS Records during weekdays.
Client’s email won’t work for a few hours.
“Writing is easy. All you have to do is sit down at a typewriter and open a vein.” Red Smith, sports writer.
En Caracas. con nuevas ideas, esperanza y
Perdón, pasó un motorizado.
regarding #CCDD: “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it”.
Yes… no… maybe.
Sometimes the right answer is all of them.
sometimes in life you make a decision and can’t escape the consequences…
Chocolate + Peanut Butter shake, BIG mistake.
in an age where communications are almost telepathic, we share a fiction of ourselves more than reality.
be real.
I have not seen the light, but I know where the switch is.
how cold is it? I like my wine chilled, and although we’re sitting around the campfire, this wine is too cold.
BTW, I may be tweeting the word ‘brilliant!’ a lot in the next few days —and if all goes well— even more after. Perfect time to unfollow me.
after 4 days in Barcelona, there’s more of me to love —or hate.
thankfully only bags have weight limits.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Norwegian banks are the most efficient in the world from the customer point of view.
I lead a very boring life: have bought antacids on an airport bathroom dispenser, but never a pack of condoms.
with an hour to spare on Heathrow, I really need a sweater… what do I buy? an iPad case.
would you look at that? in the land of No Service, my Kindle has 3G
Off to an internetless, kindle-filled island existence this week. Don’t release anything too cool!
Caracas: ciudad donde te llega el email del último mito urbano de crimen, y lo único que piensas es “ojalá la vaina fuera tan light”
“You might have noticed that I appreciate the avant-garde french rock-pop scene”
“I think she’s Canadian”
faux hipster, eh.
It has been brought to my attention that a quick look at my Facebook photos gives the impression I only have 1 tie.
This is not false.
every time I see a $50.000 car with its window open, I think:
“fart gone wrong”
Sorry about last tweet. It was a “pay with twitter” template.
I remember you with every breath I take.
Thank you for the memories… my lunch cheeseburger with onions.
“scientific method” is how I explained using two different deodorants today.
rather not say what I’m using for control group.
driving with a plastic cup with wine is the most uncivilized civilized thing I’ve ever done.
I don’t have the attention span necessary for spy novels. Between Russian names and code names, I have no idea who’s talking ½ the time.
El Gatorade es 96% agua y el vino 85%.
Un par de hielos y esto es un ‘sports drink’.
unsurprisingly, being charming in a small space with bad acoustics and very loud volume, is not one of my superpowers.
Yikes, Sublime Text 2 is an amazing improvement to what I tried a year ago. It’s making me question my text editor beliefs (& procrastinate)
Nowadays, yelling “that’s MY WOMAN!” will earn you a punch in the face… from ‘your woman’.
Most ‘Social Networking Experts’ I know aren’t very sociable.
Me thinks a lot of people are going to be wishing they owned $AAPL tomorrow.
“Prueba la dijonnaise que está excelente”
“esa es como el PertPlus de las salsas ¿no?”
Por eso nadie con dos-apellidos sale conmigo.
en aeropuerto, kioskos y restaurantes, absolutamente impresionado de la claridad en Margarita para el #7Oct.
A diferencia que en la vida, en la natación lo primero que se pierde es el estilo.
Entre más doctores conozco, más extraño a mi pediatra.
One stupid rumor about the 15in MacBook Air and I waste 45 minutes looking at Thunderbolt accessories.
“The greatest enemy of a good plan, is the dream of a perfect plan” - Carl Von Clausewitz, 1780-1831 Prussian general and military theorist
Oí al moto-taxi decir “¡Vaaaya flaaaaco!” y “¡Piiilaa goldo!” en el mismo semáforo.
No sabía que prestaban servicio de salud pública.
After seeing leaked pictures of sexy young actress, first thing I think of:
“There’s something wrong with this girl’s iPhone camera”
It’s difficult to lie about “who came into the apartment with their feet dirty?” when the footprints lead straight to your bed.
“éste trago esta demasiaaaaado fuerte pana”
(5min después)
“bué, de verdad quedó sabroso”
El tiempo lo cura todo.
just put the kindle into the beach bag before even looking for the swimsuit.
sometimes my priorities worry me.
¿Alguien del Cumbres sabe un reencuentro mañana?
it was bound to happen. just got a 2nd confirmation email for my iPads with a different order number.
I currently have 9 iPads on my cart, since app adds one every couple of failed checkouts.
If by error the order goes thru… #chapter11
guys stop pushing! I’m sure Apple has enough new iPads for everyone…
Printers hate me and WiFi networks don’t respect me.
You can probably imagine what this wireless printer is doing to me.
Ir a la Barbería Monaco durante un juego de fútbol ha sido lo más arriesgado que he hecho en el 2012.
“I’m going to name my daughters Helvetica, Georgia and Verdana”
“And if you have a son?”
I have kept all my resumes from the last 10 years.
I find it very easy to laugh at myself.
“It has been my philosophy of life that difficulties vanish when faced boldly.” - Isaac Asimov
“The past is a foreign country: they do things differently there.” - L. P. Hartley
Just found out that spicy tuna doesn’t come from the Gulf of Mexico.
Waiter telling the next table while pointing was unnecessary.
Turns out ‘irony’ is not a recognized ISO_9001 management principle.
Weird, just read Facebook’s S-1 filling and it doesn’t say anything about donating surgeries/food/wheelchairs in exchange for Likes.
Today’s meditation exercise said: “let your mind wander, and follow it”.
I ended up in a mental red light district.
best Oscar acceptance of the night. The A Separation guy made the world a better place.
Yes, yes, yes, no, yes, yes, maybe, yes, yes, mom’s kinda hot, meh, yes, etc.
My red carpet feedback is shameful.
Ño! yo quiero saber cual fue el centro de votación del #12F que están mostrando en E!
ah? ah! ah. yo si decía que estaba muy rojito.
note un aire de pena entre los que trotábamos en la lagunita. todos sabíamos que le estábamos arrugando al maratón.
Never tell geeks “keep your eye on the ball”.
For us it’s not a winning sports teaching. It’s a schoolyard survival skill.
I just tried to RT an email.
Not sure if I’m an idiot or a visionary.
The expectations of a generation that never knew computers without internet are going blow our mind.
It’s the time of the year again for my Sorkin fix. Re-watching Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip:
“I’m the only sane person I know.”
I’m #ouch too #ouch cool #ouch to #ouch use #ouch sunscreen.
Decenas de personas trotando en la Río de Janeiro, y el “gran parque” de La Carlota cerrado.
“it’s called denial”
loved Midnight in Paris.
Sometimes a client’s email is worth a thousand words. But if you try to bill them in another currency, they’ll say “never mind”.
COTERIE!!! that was the word I was looking for earlier today! Sheesh.
Now I have to remember what I was talking about.
WTF?! went into a meeting and now there’s a new OSX version?
“Speak when you are angry - and you’ll make the best speech you’ll ever regret.” - Laurence J. Peter
United We Stand
Estoy preocupado… va a faltar birra.
Quien asegure tener “datos” a esta hora y no sea vidente, miente entre los dientes.
Primera vez que estoy ligando una cadena. Vamos Hugo, activa a un poco de NiNis. #DiadelaJuventud #12F
el merici esta vacío. para los que quieren ejercer su voto ursulino.
¡Buenos días! Vota feliz, vota contento, pero por favor… no votes adeco ;)
Jodiendo, vote por quien quiera, pero a votar. #12F
OH “en esa alcaldía va a quedar el que menos pierda”. mis panas políticos podrían escribir bumper stickers.
“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.” - Kurt Vonnegut
Me acaban de decir de una quiniela para el #12F . Luego de mi horror puritano inicial, creo que es buena señal.
Abriendo excel…
“Each man is a good education to himself, provided he has the capacity to spy on himself from close up.” - Pliny
“Dear Roberto, thank you for…” +100 words.
Rejection letters should be like CSI murder weapons: either blunt or sharp.
Why does watching sports make me wanna eat?
I have much coherent reaction when I watch porn.
I don’t remember ever saying: “this has too much mayo”.
I should check my cholesterol.
“Wine can be a wiser teacher than ink, and banter is often better than books.” - Stephen Fry
Es apropiado que el #4F y #WorldCancerDay coincidan. Para ninguno de los dos puedes decir “¡Feliz Día de… eh, (tos)”.
no explosions, no (obvious) CGI, no 3D, no color, and almost no dialog…
less is more, and The Artist is great.
Dark chocolate is one of the most graceful past-expiration date foods.
(I hope)
we may nod (but I can’t spell)
Ladies, bangs is to hair what fuchsia is to colors… we made nod, but we have no idea what you’re talking about.
cola monstruosa vía la boyera. están asfaltando en el hatillo…
alguien necesita un nuevo jefe de campaña.
“If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten” - AA Blue Book
Every time I call my norwegian bank or credit card I get a little taste of Oslo service: not really friendly, but efficient as hell.
With a whole generation of kids thinking it’s Ok to touch the screen, I’m condemned to become a cranky old geek.
Estimado moto-conductor: cuando su circunferencia abdominal es la que pega con mi retrovisor, es hora de explorar otro régimen alimenticio.
“In school, you’re taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you’re given a test that teaches you a lesson.” - Tom Bodett
“If A is a success in life, then A equals X+Y+Z. Work is X; Y is play; and Z is keeping your mouth shut.” - Albert Einstein
When in doubt: helvetica.
If the poster still doesn’t look right, your problem is not the font.
Las colas caraqueñas mas interesantes son las que generan peos existenciales:
“De verdad, ¿pa qué coño estoy yendo a este lugar?”
“A geek is a person… with an abiding, obsessive, self-effacing, even self-destroying love for something besides status.” - D.B. Weiss
Spending almost two hours looking for “good background work music” is the best/worst/funniest/stupidest thing I’ve done this week.
“Aquí todo el mundo dice lo que piensa”.
Nos falta pensar un poco lo que decimos, pero uno es mejor que ninguno.
Sorry, please disregard last tweet…
The good news: test worked! The bad: don’t know why.
On cleaning days, you’re either part or the problem or the problem.
Either way, don’t argue.
Bloody hell Apple: $46.33 Billion Revenue, 37.04 Million iPhones, 15.43 Million iPads, 5.2 million Macs, Gross margin 44.7%
En otra palabras, los únicos que están bravos en mi Facebook son los que dan la bendición en sus posts.
Anecdóticamente, veo corte generacional clarísimo entre los que ven a #capoldo como “maniobra de cúpula” vs. alianza responsable.
Every time a song ends while on hold, I die a little… when the same song starts again, I’m reborn in rage.
“He uses statistics as a drunken man uses lamp-posts… for support rather than illumination.” - (1844-1912) Andrew Lang
I just sneezed so hard that my internal clock is blinking 12:00 AM
A good snooze button is designed so you can operate it with less than 50% of your brain capacity.
La carne roja y whisky muy cargado se pueden remediar. El contrario no.
Done! all new songs have album cover.
No, wait, I meant to say: crazyyyy partyyyy woohoooo #drunktweet!
(got life?™)
Candidato entregando panfleto con propuesta de mejoras en vialidad, empeorando notablemente el tráfico.
My productivity #fail of today was of such epic proportions… I almost didn’t write this tweet.
Happy weekend.
Of all the stupid things I’ve done this week…
Tip: Do check the power cable is plugged-in before going all “MacGyver” on a PC.
A suspiciously large number of people have changed their emails with year-of-birth’s in the address.
Go figure.
#1: I’ve seen things you can’t possibly imagine.
#2: ’hell you talking about?
#1: YouTube
it has taken me a long time to realize this… but capitalization is overrated.
punctuation —on the other hand, is bitchin’ (awesome).
Loving this showdown between new and old media. #SOPA
Cuando “decir lo que piensas” y “decir lo que sabes” difieren mucho, es mejor quedarse callado.
“It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out.” ― Carl Sagan
Next time there’s an Apple event and think I’m geeking out my timeline too much for everybody… I’ll remember today.
Ok, still figuring out Path, but one thing it has over Google+ is… girls.
En sabú. #FML
Cuando “vamos pa’ Sabu” suena como buena idea…
3 vasos de agua y a dormir.
With a good book I nod and shake my head. In a great book I suddenly talk back to it.
fuck fuck fuckity fuck.
I hate Windows.
Recovering a Windows PC for a neighbor should count towards sainthood… or at least be a tax deduction.
The only thing I’ve ever seen that I’m glad Aaron Sorkin didn’t write was Steve Jobs commencement speech.
Loved Moneyball.
My lack of religious beliefs makes this hard to accept…
But, my conflict with printers may transcend the realm of science.
There’s 3 things in the way of my work plans: the state of the economy and visa status.
…? Oh! Yes, my lack of math skills.
El romanticismo con la patria es parecido al humano: emocionante, pasional y en la mayoría de los casos, incapaz de ser racional.
The Douchebag Handbook:
Effectivity of a workout is proportional to how many people you stand in front to perform given activity.
Sunburn, the body’s way of saying:
“You are an idiot”.
I may seem arrogant, but I have flaws you can’t begin to comprehend.
72% of all geek breakups occur when they answer accurately —yet incorrectly, to the question: “Isn’t this wonderful?!”.
“The good news is that the pie is ready! The bad, I lost a fake nail somewhere”
My sister, ladies and gentlemen.
Arepa con plátano de cena.
Próximos tweets desde mi guarida secreta.
Buying meat for a barbecue makes me think that maybe zombies are people like us… just really obsessed with freshness.
Got a flat tire when I was late for… nothing.
Terrible for a sitcom episode, but great regular ol’ boring life.
When in doubt, check Permissions.
Contagion is the wrong movie to try showing off about places you’ve visited:
“I’ve been there! Cough, cough”
(People lean away)
Standing in my room with a can in one hand and a leash in the other.
Why? How? What?
…I need a memory upgrade.
Madurez: ponerle sólo las 3 cucharadas indicadas al Toddy.
Quizás el año que viene.
In other words: in this precise moment in space and time… it hurts to be me.
Hope everyone had a safe new years eve.
Hang: To be or remain suspended.
Over: finished; ended or concluded.
Don’t need to know Latin for this one.
Women: I need to pick which swimsuits to take.
Men: … crap, I can’t find my swimsuit. Do I even own a beach towel?
Las hormigas esquivaron los Halls para llegar a mi Cri-Cri.
Mensaje recibido.
Anecdotally, the battery life of my iPod Shuffle is ∞
You know when a music set is trying to kick you out a party and you don’t for up? Well…. I just did. #damnmy30s
Tonight I danced with a salsa teacher and learned a life lesson:
Don’t dance with a salsa teacher.
To all trying to look cool in the tropics:
Sweat, it’s what’s for dinner.
I hope that by the time I’m good at social network chitchat (~10years?) there won’t be something new.
If we could harness the energy of good intentions, sport equipment stores would be like nuclear plants the days before new year’s.
Have you ever, like, drank too much water?
#mostboringtweetof2011 nominee.
Thank you for your consideration.
La decoración del apartamento de la playa es siempre un flashback remixed de tu vivienda principal 15 años antes.
If I ever write a self-help book, the title would be: You Are So Not Special.
Useful even to those that just read the cover.
Just found my 2011 New Year’s Resolutions… I misspelled diligence.
Sorry, but I just can’t help thinking that a “free gift for every child” is either a socialist agenda or a money laundering operation.
All of you whom late tonight have to quietly move a large object from storage into the living room… and then wake up at 6am: I salute you.
Explicar pan de jamón en ingles, y oír “So, it’s like a sandwich?” fue mi fracaso cultural del día.
Had dinner with great friends of the last 18 years. If we knew then what we know now, we’d still be friends… and probably a lot less horny.
You start to show your age if: “Relive childhood memories” is advertised of something you were too old to use as a kid.
My goodness, upgrading devices to iOS5 and figuring out from where to restore, sync and backup has been a pain in the iButt.
My home Internet is so slow, Kim Jong-il is still alive on my twitter stream.
Back home after 78 days traveling.
Very happy to see parents, dogs and… my own toilet.
Going home.
It should be illegal to fly with this hangover.
It probably is.
Don’t delay your Apple purchases because of rumors.
You end up feeling smarter… and without an iProduct for a long time.
Everyone that ain’t asking for an iPad this Xmas ’cause iPad 3 is “coming soon” stand over there —next to people waiting for the iPhone 5?
Still don’t have access to MacBook, but just redownloaded the 500ish songs I had bought in iTunes to new iPhone.
Now I get iTunes Match.
First tweet from my new iPhone 4S.
I can now write nonsense up to 5x faster.
OH “¿Qué son tequeños?”
Por dios Miami.
There’s 3 weddings and 5 baby photos on my timeline today. Facebook needs a “single” filter.
When you bounce ideas (even stupid ones) off smart people, you are told the “watch-outs”. Not the “why-you-should-not’s”.
Pretty sure a metro machine just scammed me with $1 coins.
Now off to Miami.
Hoping to pass out soon. See you again in EST.
Holy crap USA, I hope this is the best airport security in the world, ’cause it feels like the most inefficient in 4 continents.
Departed Hong Kong on Monday and arrived on LA on Sunday.
Somehow I felt/feel less jetlagged in the future.
“wanna dance?”
“no, what?”
“no, please”
Chinglish is painfully direct.
Kebabs: food sent by the gods to feed the chosen people… at 4am in the morning.
Back in HK. Can confirm twitter doesn’t work behind the great firewall.
Sad to accept how much I missed you people.
Street crossing is theist extreme activity I’ve done on this trip.
Took bullet train from Beijing to Shanghai. About the distance from Caracas to Bogota in less than 5 hours
The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. The longest is a Beijing taxi ride. Bastards.
Off to Beijing and Shanghai!
If the Great Firewall doesn’t like my tweets… see you next week.
Dear airlines: If you don’t find any place for the media box, other than beneath the seat in front of me, keep your entertainment system.
Back in Hong Kong 香港 for the weekend.
Mostly to support my pal JL on his 100K race.
But river snake tastes “just like chicken”.
First real food #fail of the trip. Chicken feet are like broccoli, only way worse.
A draft beer in Siam Reap is 3 kroner.
Meet you guys in the airport.
Wrote a thousand word post of my India trip. Which seemed long, until I realized that’s just about one word per million.
In other words: Off to Cambodia
Earth rotation speed is 1674km/h in the equator.
Why is it that life seems to move at both a billion and 0km/h just minutes apart?
He bailado “Danza Kuduro” en 3 de los 4 países que he visitado.
He explicado que no sé q significa Kuduro en 4.
Around Central, two telecom stores have lines of 200 people more or less.
According to Mike, half of those in line are locals. The rest are either from India or Pakistan.
Roughly 500th guy on line got here wednesday night. Said starting today he hasn’t gone to bathroom since they make him start new line.
#notetoself my humor is not usually understood. With a Korean audience… it’s just plain sad.
The Wan Chai Electronic Center is like the red light district of geeksterdam. Was offered everything from an iPhone 4S to audio earrings
Soon: DEL ✈ HKG.
Trying to write India blogpost, but current draft is just a passionate mess… Which is kind of appropriate.
The desert is red, and camels are brown.
And you’d be surprised where you find sand afterwards.
OH: (French accent) “Am I alright? I’m more than alright”
La visa de turista India debería incluir una caja de Loperan®
The Indian equivalent of Latin “steeping on someone” is: elbow on face.
Yeah. It’s rough.
The level of chaos in Chandigarh (to my western eyes) grew orders of magnitude during Diwali.
Great fun.
The fact that if I drill hole through the center of the earth I’ll come up in Ecuador, blows my mind a bit.
So many geeky stuff happening in Singapore. “They” should organize emergent startup scene tours.
Change of plans: CPT ✈ DXB ✈ SIN
See you tomorrow (Ep.4)
If you tweet from a Blackberry and no one has service to read it, does it make a sound?
Finally arrived at Cape Town after 40 hours. Last part of the trip was in taxi. Let’s just say the SA’s railway system is not too reliable.
JHN → CPT by train.
See you tomorrow (ver3).
My sister just renegotiated the taxi fare.
I think I’m getting fired from my “Big Brother” job soon.
Helloooooooo South Africa!
Somebody should make an Android phone in the shape of the teardrop xPhone 5. It already has a shitload of cases in the market.
See you tomorrow (again)
As a follower of Murphy’s Law, I shouldn’t be surprised that my 11hour wifi-less flight boards at exactly the time the iPhone event starts.
Just bought some TSA approved nail clippers at the airport … and the packaging needs scissors to open.
The same crew of the Caracas-San Juan is in the San Juan-NYC leg. Pretty sure that What is “bitchy” to one is “whatever” on the next flight.
See you tomorrow.
I’m always surprised how normal users can find the appearance settings, regardless of OS.
And commit crimes against usability.
Dreamt there was a snake eating a turtle on my bed … which I’m pretty sure means I should stop eating leftover chocolate cake before bed.
Acabo de escribir un email donde pido que me confirmen un número te teléfono porque el que tengo sale “tururí”.
Oh yeah … Let’s talk iPhone.
Love the idea that most of my preconceived notions about a wedding celebration are about to be shattered to bits.
If I could talk to my 21y/o self I’d say: “self, in 9 years remember to bend your knees when you pick up a CRT monitor”. #ouch
I ♥ bacon. Bacon ♥ my heart. My heart ♥ blood… I’m a vampire.
I may be an idiot, but I’m a knowlegaeble idiot.
People never seem to understand the point of life …
“Pregunte que sí hay” es el mejor eslogan de radio en los últimos 25 años.
Just realized that when all cars go electric, handymen are robots and legal documents use HTML5 … Geeks will rule the world.
Smart people who fake being digital idiots so they don’t have to google stuff sometimes piss me off.
Note to self: I can still drink 8 beers like a 20 year old.
But my 30y/o bladder can only hold 6.
La furia de Esteban –manifestada en tormenta– se siente sobre el municipio de Leo.
The venezuelan opposition has shown patience among themselves, and more importantly, towards their constituency.
And it’s giving results.
Synopsis says “a funny and touching road trip…” while Genre is “Drama”.
Sounds like life alright.
These network printers must have developed sentience and are conspiring against me.
It’s the only logical explanation.
Step Out of Your Comfort Zone™ and Mind the Gap.
When your puppy learns to shake = Unbearably cute.
When she gets to 40Kg = Aggravated assault.
“I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.” Douglas Adams
Whoever said: “aging is a bitch, but it’s better than the alternative” hasn’t read enough Sci-Fi.
10 years ago hotmail gave you 2MB of space and “planning your weekend online” probably meant queuing porn for download.
“You’re so goddamned educated, doc, I knew you couldn’t be very smart.” Auto-repair guy to Isaac Asimov.
Me: 8GB (4GBx2) for $52! Myself: Dude, you don’t need it. Me: But … 8GB!!! Myself: It’s not even officially supported. Me: Go away.
Q: Do you know Norwegian?
A: Yes, financial Norsk.
Q: Huh?
A: I can get money out of the ATM and use Banking Online.
The second-person narrative in Halting State reminds me of my “choose your own adventure” book era in middle school.
I can now officially recommend that if you read Game of Thrones, don’t watch the TV show until you forget most of it.
Punch line: the final phrase or sentence of a joke or story, providing the humor or It’s
Anyone around Asia in November? I have my own towel and am mostly potty trained.
Zagat/Yelp should have a “Certified Wrap Engineer” sticker.
This wrap was so poorly packaged, that it basically exploded when I opened it.
When stocks plummet, I’d like to see the smiling picture of the trader who shorted.
I don’t have any fashion sense, but I do appreciate good design. Once in a while, these two spheres intersect.
Finally saw Suckerpunch.
Jezzz, need a drink.
Reality is just an illusion with a really good lawyer.
At some point we all realize that a spoon of salt and one of sugar don’t cancel each other out.
Caracas driving gives me tourette’s
A wise man once said: “What do you mean I’m facing the wrong way?”
Do feel it? ’Tis the season on holding off on all iPhone/iPod purchases!
Remember when your mom would tell you not to eat too much chocolate at night and you’d laugh?
Hope she’s laughing now, cause I ain’t.
I’d pay $4.99 right now to be able to download the install disks for Mac OS X 10.4.11 from Apple.
These two eMac’s will live again!!!
If you read “First, install MacPorts …” and close the tab, it’s thursday.
If it doesn’t have a Debug option, don’t call it a “Powerful New App”.
Looking for some South Africa historic fiction. Any recos?
I know history is interesting enough, but I never finish them.
If I didn’t know any better, I’d say I don’t know any better.
I keep making stupid mistakes …
But at least I tell myself “this wasn’t my brightest idea” more often now.
Minimalism works both ways: it’s not only buying less stuff, but if you do buy, make it something that you won’t ever need to replace.
I want my mobile to connect to desktop chat clients (2005).
I want my desktop to have access to IM mobile apps (2011).
Back from vacation, the slogan: “Colombia: the only risk is wanting to stay”
Is brilliant AND accurate.
En Andrés Carne de Res Chía, y después directo al aeropuerto.
Voy a desayunar alka-seltzer.
Last week: “Given the past 5 days, I hope to recognize the tech industry when I come back.”
Didn’t say it ironically enough. Sorry Steve.
Turistiando en Colombia no puedo evitar pensar que a Venezuela le sobra materia prima, pero le falta mucha mercancía, para igualar.
Experienced Colombian culture by having aguaardiente shots.
Never knew the hangover could start while I was still drunk.
I love my Kindle 3G. Finished book while boarding, bought two more as I sat down.
If only they didn’t ask me to turn it off for takeoff.
Really digging the Embraer 190 layout.
Reporte aeropuerto: sin duda alguna el gate con el mejor caos es vuelo a Lisboa. La gente del vuelo a Panamá con nuevo gate, 2nd lugar.
Taking a 10 day vacation. At the mercy of open WiFi.
Given the past 5 days, I hope to recognize the tech industry when I come back.
#AyCaracas me mentas la Madre comiendote la luz, pero te frenas para que la mami cruce frente tuyo.
Esta ciudad merece un reality show.
I’ve made a huge tiny mistake with some passwords.
I’m a walking zero-day vulnerability.
Need to take a shower after getting home and playing with my 5 slobbering dogs.
Can’t wipe smile from my face though.
50 minutes and a few dozen copy/paste’s into Google Translate later … my norwegian credit card is activated again.
Jeg trenger en øl.
Hmm. Second time in two weeks that the Lion Finder goes berserk on me.
Relaunches itself, but it never fully comes back.
Wow, Google buys Motorola. I imagine a bunch of Android licensees now regret not buying Palm.
Party Buses: two things that make me throw-up independently —moving vehicles and alcohol— combined for maximum effect.
Done with A Storm of Swords. Good, but not as great as previous two.
Going to take a break into SciFi and then come back.
Somedays I looks at myself in the mirror and can’t help but wonder … why didn’t I add haircut to my tasks list sooner?
Crap, crap, crap, crap.
When they say RTFM … I should read the effing manual.
Si alguna vez viste Bambi, y tienes mascotas, siempre que lavas los platos hay un momento que los vez y piensas … what if?
Ironically, my iPhone has never misspelled “Damn Autocorrect”.
Just wrote this on a chat to justify myself:
“I was drinking wine. Never my best drink for the fortitude of the mind.”
My body must have an auto-balancing life expectancy system.
Why else would I crave a Fast Food burger after exercising?
My iPhone just looks up from twitter and whispers “Dumbass”.
After leaving an underground parking my BlackBerry would stare at me with no signal, as if saying:
What. Just. Happened?
Economics is engineering with currency instead of units … and low disregard for gravity, safety factor and accuracy.
Not that I ever got when to use it … but Facetime is not working for me on Lion.
Al parecer hay barberías que ahora abren los lunes.
Wine, the answer to … most things.
Ok. I drank the Kool-Aid, OS X 10.7 Lion is pretty awesome.
It amuses me to know Chavez uses this US based, venture capitalist financed, web service to manage his communist revolution.
Fairness is such a human value, we dreamt up an afterlife so we could digest the most horrid injustices.
In my travels, no country received me with as much goodwill as Norway. The Vikings are peaceful people, but messing with them is a bad idea.
Roundup!!! the word I’ve been looking for the last 15 minutes is ROUNDUP.
Anyone know a good brain defragmenter wetware?
Perder ganando. Venezuela y su #Vinotinto comparten mas que la nacionalidad.
Regardless of the server-farm size, there must be a freaked out Sysadmin at Apple right now.
“I can hear them clicking refresh …”
A diferencia de otros, pido cadena. Un mensaje de unión nos beneficia a todos … a menos que el odio sea mayor que el orgullo nacional.
La Vinotinto olvido la regla #1 de transito en Venezuela: el fiscal puede decir una vaina, pero pila pa donde van los carros.
A friday on the middle of July.
Is the internet even on‽
Would Be a Great Band Name would be a lousy band name.
Corrección del tweet anterior: no estas en una humanidad unida por el destino … estas en una cola de mierda llena de coño de madres toditos.
Sé positivo: no estas en trafico, estas en una inmensa caravana de graduación del colegio de la vida.
“Se le notifica a nuestra distinguida clientela …” es sinónimo de “Miren coño e’ madres …”
You know what they say about guys with big LED displays …
Which is how I know geeks are not as cool as we think we are.
I truly don’t completely understand any of the above.
Uno a veces no sabe si es serio o aburrido.
Y creo que si uno lo tiene que preguntar, la respuesta es obvia.
Just finished Game of Thrones. Immediately bought A Clash of Kings.
Debating when is the best time to watch the HBO series.
If drunk, divide outlook by 1.000. If sober, multiply by 100.
If unsure… get a drink a read tweet again.
Cancerígenos y cancerígenas …
Espero que la cadena arranque con un “Previously on Lost …” por que a mi ya se me olvido que dijo este carajo en ultimo capitulo.
Traffic, It’s What’s for Dinner.
Dammit, feeling so groggy.
Game of Thrones book got all epic on me last night and went to bed way past my bedtime hour.
Search for news about increased gravity a failure. Therefore my weight isn’t lying.
Therefore therefore, I’m weekend fatso.
Kids, if you ever do the dishes after a big feast, don’t lean on the counter.
Your belly (among other things) will end up wet.
Shuffle puso solito: Arjona, Franco de Vita y Mecano. Ninguna fue adelantada.
Desenmascarado por aleatoriedad.
Today I yelled “coming!” to my phone as I ran to pick it up.
I’m not getting old … my iPhone just lacks features.
Apple, Microsoft, Sony and now Nintendo …
This is the geeks equivalent of Shark Week.
Seems like a good week to clean up iTunes library.
Byebye #BBM. I start evangelizing #iMessage today.
(BTW, stupid name Apple)
The awe in my dog’s face after yelling from a second floor: “Stop that! I’m watching you”, must be similar to how Moses looked.
Might as well accept it:
Pre-#WWDC weekends are of the few I’m ok with days flying by.
Just deployed a stable, nice looking and very portable solution for the fambiz.
But if I ever need to update it … I’m changing my last name
Angry drivers with Christian bumper stickers reassure me I won’t be alone in hell.
I will be less surprised though.
If you fail to grasp the importance of extending my WiFi … I can now tweet from the bathroom.
Just extended my WRT-54g WiFi range with new Airport Express via WDS.
I feel like a MAN.
Also, a bit annoyed that none of the kids wearing these sneaker boots don’t get my Back to the Future jokes.
Only reason I’ve noticed that Reebok boots are making a comeback is ’cause my brain keeps saying “Recalculating decade” every few hours.
Airport security checkpoints take so long that you can easily workout the process. That must be a security concern in itself.
If Pawn Stars has taught me anything, is that ending a negotiation meeting with a quick “No” … will never be followed by a commercial.
Drank, danced and was merry … bring on the #rapture.
Kcuf |kākˈôf|:
Solemn utterance intended to revoke multiple shouts of “Fuck!” as a result of reading the instructions wrong.
There’s something not quite stable about Ubuntu 11.04.
Relativity: how saying “it will be ready by End of Work Week” sounds reasonable on Monday vs. Thursday.
Sometimes you win more by loosing the argument.
Wish I listened to myself sometimes.
If you think you’re funny, you could be.
If you know you’re funny, you most likely aren’t.
Either Apple’s Dock Connector USB cables reproduce, or I’ve bought a LOT more iPod/iPhones that I’m aware off.
I’m pretty sure no monk that reached enlightenment had a drivers license.
Dreamt I had proof of alien life.
Then dreamt that I had dreamt it.
I’m a conspiracy.
Understanding my destiny, I started to rise and … WHAM!
Never find your destiny while under a table.
Personal Hitchcock moment: Reach for toothbrush and notice it isn’t dry.
Pause. Look around. Wonder.
Being online used to mean you where in front of a computer.
Nowadays you’ll hear: “Going on vacation, but I’ll be online”.
Ok. Last one, but you aren’t going to believe this:
Fuchsia is not a Brazilian singer, it’s actually a synonym for Magenta!
Turns out that Magenta is ALSO A COLOR (and not just a manly way to say pink).
We need tougher color naming laws.
I’ve just been told that “beige” is an actual color, and not a conglomerate of lesser know ones.
Investigating …
There’s a possibility that DSL will be installed at my parents place today. My level of excitements makes thankful I’m socially functional.
crasve |kras āv| verb collide violently with the realization that the Save button caused the crash… without saving.
Electricidad de vuelta en Chacao, pero tengo el presentimiento que #sinluz será trending topic este verano.
#sinluz Chacao.
Pero tranquilos, no son recortes, es ahorro obligado.
Never mind, also not working with Safari or Firefox.
Something must be iffy with the proxy, which means: it’s shell time.
Unholy shit, what a crappy day.
Real life™ needs a soundtrack … a people spam filter and an unfollow button.
Absorbing presentation design + deadline + chocolate bar next to keyboard + 90 minutes = unexpected stomach ache.
“The installation procedure for Aces Patch B requires that your hard drive have about 3 megabytes (MB) of available disk space.”
5 hours after scorpion bite, the only superpower I have is a new nervous tick that makes me shake like the Macarena if I feel a crawling.
Watching the Apple liveblog on the my iPad 1 feels like reading Maxim with your girlfriend in the room.
Mi iPhone tiene auto-detecta el wifi de el Alazán de Altamira.
I wish BIOS makers knew how to make subliminal messages.
That way I could remember the fucking keyboard shortcuts.
Mail: “Important Tax Return Document Enclosed”.
Well, hello there April … didn’t think I’d see you hiding behind March, eh?
Don’t know if it’s a thing, but #ODIS
(Oh Damn it’s Sunday)
#TGIF obnoxious cousin.
I tend to forget things when I drink.
I also argue with meself.
Doing some demographic grafx for a presentation. Many filenames with “sex” and “age”on the Desktop.
Feel more pervert than usual.
Very sure the next world war will start because somebody left an empty carton of milk on the fridge.
When the flying insect makes a noticeable shadow, it’s time to get the heck out of there.
I always logout from my bank account with two distinct attitudes:
Today is a type b day.
Another great BlackBerry feature: self-aware recycle procedure at kernel-level.
Or …
Fucking phone resets itself whenever it wants to.
I should have known when bitching about no hot water, that there’ll be no water a few seconds later.
The universe ♥ Monty Python.
Hmmm, update this manually or waste 15min messing with .htaccess so it happens automatically?
500 Internal Server Error
. I hate meself.
If you take the backroads in your commute, give way to those leaving home.
No reason to ruin THEIR day.
“Marvin: I’ve been talking to the main computer. Arthur: And? Marvin: It hates me.”
One of those days …
Que sabroso es comer sabroso.
A smoke in the middle of the night provides no answers…
But helps with questions.
Using twitter/facebook/internet for anything less than a massive democratic revolution seems like a banal endeavor today.
I have about two dozen effects at my disposal to make a photo appear old and analog.
Can’t seem to make an analog photo look new though.
I could never be a F1 driver.
I’d be yelling “PICK A FUCKING LANE!!!” the whole race.
27 Km/h
(Speed at which a lady on a ’74 Malibu ahead of me, reaches my rode-range boiling point on a busy one-lane road)
Not a cloud in the sky, 24°C.
Somehow heading to an office doesn’t seem like a well thought out plan.
Like a Pixar movie, the iPad is quickly developing two plots: a simple touch and go UI, and a powerful gesture language for pro-users.
Finally playing with MacAppStore and Tweetie 2.
Loving it.
I finished reading Peter F. Hamilton’s Void Triology last night.
Pure Sci-Fi space opera. But still the most fun reading of #2010.
If you’ve ever read Sci-Fi short stories from the 60’s, the time to start freaking out is right about … now. #2011
Con suéter por Caracas, 15min de Altamira al Cafetal y entrando al cine de Plaza. ¿Será que amanecí en los 90?
There is no spoon.
Damnation, bad time to have a granola craving.
Drinking your sorrows away is stupid … but sorrowing your drink? — that’s just plain disrespectful.
“I think I made a huge mistake …”
George Oscar Bluth II.
I have the luck of loving my Dad unconditionally AND being infinitely proud of him.
“we’re so glad people from the old-guard showed up”.
I laughed …
Until it dawned on me, I was referred as old.
____`/`___|`/`_`\/`___|` `\___`\|`|`|`\___`\`
| |____/
_/|____/` ````````````````
█████ ██ █ ████ libertad ███ █████ no█████ ████ ████ es ████ ███ █ ██████ negociable.
Sometimes somebody asks exactly the right question. Sadly, I didn’t have an answer.
The best mirror is an old friend.” George Herbert
█████ ██ █ ████ todo ███ █████ es█████ ████ ████ bueno ████ ███ █ ██████ama. █████ ███████ ███ el █████ ████ gobierno. #FreeMediaVe
Yikes, the friend which most recently shared a location in Google Latitude was 476 days ago.
Still think it has potential though.
Any recos for a good/affordable VPN provider for small groups? Priority is fast browsing speed, not so much sharing.
If AA leaves 2 of my bags ’cause the plane was “too heavy”, can I charge them $100 per bag? (mine where ok).
The trouble with the 1980’s as compared with the 1970’s is that teenagers no longer rebel and leave home. —Marion Smith
Dear diary: something crazy happened today, I … wait a sec, this is twitter! Where’s the delete button?
Oh, here it is!
Note to self: the last scraps in a bag of salted nuts is … salt.
Me: “I’m not rich enough to use the iPad naked”.
Blank stare.
“I meant, without a case”
Don’t let me talk with non-geeks.
Caracas: ciudad con falla de borde.
/// / / / / / / /// / // / / // / / / / // /// / /// / / / // ☂ // /// /
Weirdest thing, my MacBook wouldn’t recognize my password today.
Told myself “have you tried turning it off and on again?” and all fine.
I 1/♥ CCS
Seldom has an “EZ Open” package delivered on its promise.
And don’t get me started on “Resealable!”
Having the iPhone, iPad and MacBook on the same room when an appt alarm goes off, reminds of the Millenium Falcon cockpit before a crash.
Best thing about a Sunday morning run? Guilt-free bacon and cheese sandwich. And I do mean BACON.
Now where are my cholesterol pills?
Liked Due Date. It’s no The Hangover, but still a fun ride.
Talking on Skype to do some remote work. Internet too slow for video, then connection just went dead.
This, my friends, was my #Fail today.
Yikes, two gory motorcycle accidents on a 3Km highway stretch. Time for policy debate?
Or maybe gravity is a tool of the empire.
Voy a estar pendiente eventualmente en mercadolibre, pero si por casualidad alguien le ofrecen uno de estos juguetes a buen precio … ping me
#QueLadilla. Anoche se metieron unos rateros y mudaron tecnologicamente a mi mamá: MacBook Pro, Canon PowerShot S90, par de iPods.
Creo que soy un racista urbano: odio esta ciudad, pero no tengo argumentos que no sean prejuicios.
Was voted head of the energy, water and gas committee of my commune.
Given that we have shortages of all 3, not my finest political move.
¿No te da pena? 130 millones de votos en Brasil, y dan los resultados a las 8:30PM.
Ahora sí que el sector privado no va a construir ni un policía acostado en Venezuela.
This is a public service announcement:
Thank you.
DC and Caracas on the same day?
If I hear “Clear and Present Danger” or see Harrison Ford, I’m getting off this movie.
Ouch! #alcs
Oh, btw. I bought a 11″ MacBook Air.
Will review soon.
Forgot to mention that I saw The Social Network last night. Being an Aaron Sorkin fan, it was easy for me to love.
I’ve seen the future, and I owe him money.
“I feel it in my fingers, I feel it in my toes.”
I’m getting a cold. Sigh.
Brain hurts and heart shakes its head.
Or is it the other way around?
A cold sweat appears when I read the error: “Please contact your domain administrator…”
Which, I am.
Anybody know of a certified Norwegian→English translator?
Need to translate 3 Skattekort Tax pages, nothing serious.
“Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.”
Eleanor Roosevelt
No quiero que la oposición sea un solo partido, pero sí quiero que se inscriban bajo una sola opción para el 2012 #avisados.
iPhone volume level when connected to car: 100%
Level my head blows-off with headphones : 92%
Likelihood of forgetting to lower it: 110%
W00t! hello #NewTwitter.
Let me try to break something.
Have faith #26S.
Even when we lose the ability to be amazed, we can surprise ourselves.
Don’t know about you, but some of us are celebrating.
#dedomorado + 1.
As I turn 29, I wonder: “if Venezuela’s inflation is 30%, does that mean I’m 1% younger than most product prices?”
#vota #26S
As I turn 29, I’m reminded of all the successful communist states that have appeared during my lifetime.
#Vota #26S
Playing around with iOS 4.2 beta on the iPad. No way I can go back to 3.2 now.
Feel the Rhythm, Feel the Rhyme, Get on up, is down.
The best thing about so many eBook readers everywhere, is that –for the first time– no one told me to turn mine off during takeoff.
I hate writing formal emails in spanish. It takes twice the space and it’s half as clear.
Mother fucker. Arrived home to a dead MacBook.
Simply won’t turn on.
3 eBooks, 2 movies and 1 TV season … and I will probably fall asleep.
Media overkill is an understatement.
About to watch: Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World.
A lady with a Kindle 3 sat next to me on the train. The contrast of the screen looks amazing.
Damn, I’m now going to buy a new Kindle.
Just had tap wine and bottled water.
London → Paris
Mind the écart.
When in doubt, order the house wine. It’s like a pizza: usually cheap, goes down easy, and every place has a good enough version.
My dad on why he travels to certain places on his vacations:
“when you live in chaos, you crave order”.
Trust me, wise man.
If you’re having a great time with your family in Borough Market, DO NOT go to
Fake Français imbecile.
So ashamed. Fell asleep during the ENTIRE tour bus in Athens.
Will try again tomorrow with more than 2 hours of sleep.
#culture #fail
Boston ✈ London ✈ Istanbul.
See you in 8.000 Km!
Some people are born 2 shots behind. Amazing the fun when they catch up.
Gotta love somebody who describes his nephew as a “care-bear on acid”.
At my first American wedding rehearsal dinner. Hopefully I’ll remember all the same drinks for tomorrow.
I’m at my most spiriytual on the back of a Boston cab.
West Palm Beach ✈ Boston
Just dreamt I was “at home” in Oslo.
Stupid brain.
San Juan ✈ Miami
Que cosa mas grande, chico.
Serious family business talk + mojitos + Peruvian restaurant = funniest food order mom has ever made.
Need to leave Puerto Rico soon. Too. Much. Food.
Caracas ✈ San Juan, PR
Everyone should buy an one-way ticket sometime in their live.
And by live, I mean life.
¿Alguien sabe algún local en la zona Hatillo - Los Naranjos con wifi decente? Gracias!
After hearing my first two songs: “Hurts like Listerine” and “5 blades agains my cheek”, my manager told me to stop writing in the shower.
Do you ever try to use The Force to pull your iPhone from across the room?
No? Oh. Eh, right… Me neither, that would be silly.
Friend, I absolutely respect your spiritual beliefs, not your FWD emails on the topic. If god needs to talk to me, s/he can google my email.
Dreamt I was late for my final physics exam. Woke up in cold sweat. I do not want to be 17 ever again.
Kids, always remember to keep your distance from the car with vomit on the driver’s door. #HIMYM
Few things suck my time –and I enjoy as much– as when a friend asks: Which Windows Laptop should I buy for $900?
(Portégé R700 or ASUS U30)
I think my friends are getting tired of me saying “I have good news and bad news”.
If you’re one of them, I have good news and bad news …
Creo que el próximo debería ser Páez, y de ahí un esqueleto de Presidente cada dos semanas. Estaríamos listos para el 2012.
Watching my grandmother struggle with her DVD player makes me wish bad thoughts for some genius UX designer.
Como diría mi abuela: “mierda que pea”. Felicitaciones a los casados.
¡Ay Caracas! Sometimes, I love to hate this city.
The rest of the time, it’s the other way around.
Screams, fireworks, people singing and car horns playing.
It’s not that we used to be a colony; we just love a good party.
Outsmarted by an octopus.
I wonder if he does financial planning.
Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears … fuck, I lost my notes.
Hang-on, I’ll be right back.
I’m reading a book about being productive while working remotely, and I keep falling asleep.
This is not a good sign.
Oyendo este partido me siento como en el 12 de Abril.
If you tell me “look at the bright side” and don’t get -or care- about my Monty Python reference … don’t waste your time, I have principles
Being a geek is all about focusing «How?» and never paying attention to the «Why?»
5 hour wait to apply for new passport was rewarded with an all-you-can-eat Brazilian place in the middle of nowhere. #Fatso
Haven’t laughed that hard in a movie theater in a while: The A-Team rocks (★★★★☆)
En las próximas 24 horas se va a joder una comida: o no se puede salir a cenar, o ni de broma me paro en una panadería a desayunar.
My internet connection is so slow, this bad joke still needs 25 minutes to download.
Btw, viva Mexico!
There is a 50% chance this marriage will produce a Chicago Cubs fan.
We really need some sort of parenthood pre-screening.
Now back to the regular geeky programing, for any follower I have left.
I think the US leaves as an accepted member of the football world. Just stop calling it soccer.
The web detox has been mostly good over the last week, but I’m getting withdrawal symptoms now.
P1 next week is to get a 3.5G modem.
No sane person should live under these internet speeds.
The huge butterfly in my bathroom wall is either:
Off to bed. Thankful that a late night email opened the possibility of a project. Specially since an earlier email closed another one.
2 hours and 20 minutes to download 378MB. Sigh. I miss Oslo.
Every family has one. And today, you get to hear it for the gazillion time.
Fathers Day Lunch Bingo:
Emocionado por las eminentes fiestas patronales.
I just had a “brownie filled cookie”.
Let the record show I died a happy fatso.
I think Safari 5 has a money saving mode. If I go to and search for IPS, it crashes every time.
Safari 5 really becomes unstable with some extension combinations. Trying to figure out the culprit.
“un poema de tres letras, Gol!” los narradores de Univision le tiran a Neruda.
When the iPhone autocorrects “Thongs” when you meant “things”, get ready for a Chevy Chase type conversation.
I’m getting geeky old: I have access to the iOS 4 gold build, but don’t want to mess with my iPhone on a weekday.
Made my first Par today! (don’t about the other 17 holes)
My brain has created very powerful adversaries to beat for jogging: ice in Oslo, lighting in Miami, or criminals in Caracas.
I need either $100k more or 10Kg less to live in this city.
The death of the Newton has been avenged by the killer himself.
i.e.: I love my iPad.
Mix: Very sunny 12 hour bike ride, t-shirt, helmet and gloves. What do you get? The weirdest sunburn ever. It’s like an 90’s M. Jackson.
Just spent 45min helping a friend who lost an important file in a USB drive boot sector crash.
Ha-harr-rrle-ey’s ar-are fuun-n, but-t-t, th-they vibrrrrat-te-te a lot-tt.
I love rumors that basically mention everything that hasn’t being updated during the last 6 months. It’s fun, but don’t say “sources …”
I can begin to understand friends who are expecting a baby.
Apple just emailed; my iPad is on its way.
Years ago, I was convinced that Computer Viruses where germs, bacteria, and yes, viruses.
No wonder I never used an anti-virus.
Deleting all my playlist in iTunes and creating new ones. Kinda forgot how fun it was to make them after years of listening to the same.
Pizza, pizza, just delivered, Thanks for being so considerate. And before you make me fat, Please absorb all the poison I drank.
On June 7, you have an appointment with a couple of Apple liveblogging sites.
Turns out I’m worse at golf than pool. And some of you know how much I suck at pool.
Two Advils and a Blue Moon. Almost ready for another overnight flight.
Holy humidity batman!
Welcome to Miami.
Folders in iPhone OS 4.0 can’t come soon enough.
Train rides have a duality to them; the rural scenery is beatiful, yet the the urban areas are usually sad and forgotten.
Time for new sunglasses: ducked to avoid a big something that was coming at me from the sky. Turns out it was a scratch on the lens.
Cool to see everyone playing with there new HTC Evo around Google IO
Taking the Coast Starlight train from Seattle to San Francisco. (Fun fact: same one they took in the Big Bang Theory)
Yes Apple, I want an iPad.
No, you don’t have any right now. So stop emailing me about “picking one up today”.
The MobileMe Mail Beta is actually pretty nice. If it does go free, it could give Gmail some competition.
Just finished Enders Game on top of the Seattle space needle. Don’t know what it means, but it meant something.
Boston ✈ Seattle.
It was really great to be with my family. Although, I shouldn’t eat anything this week to even things out.
You know the Monty Python sketch where the fat guy blows up after one final bite? That’s me in 5 minutes.
With regards to accesories, the nook seems to be considerably ahead of the Kindle.
The people’s republic of Cambridge: a place where crazy people, intelectuals and nerds take part in a experiment. They just don’t know it.
App is the new .com
Just reserved my iPad 3G 32Gb. Hopefully will be back in stock soon.
In Boston!
I ♥ Boston. Have I mentioned it before? Well I do.
BTW, even with a 9 hour layover in Paris, #AirFrance managed to leave my bag there. Me thinks they appreciate my Arnaud impression.
Never thought I’d call “home” a place in such a faraway land. Thanks for everything Norway. I promise to call.
Little known fact: french versions of apps only install if you click “No” in the End Users License Agreement. It’s a culture thing.
Kick-Ass: Never has a movie title better described my review. (★★★★★)
Just said final goodbyes. Going to miss a lot some good friends in Oslo.
#PackingNotes: You’ll suddenly realize a dozen people will notice you misspelled “kitschen” in one of the boxes.
#PackingNotes: with everything in the van you’ll go and get your wallet. Which is in last night’s jeans. Which are … packed in the van.
#PackingNotes: That sturdy beer glass you’ve had for more than a year, will suddenly become fragile.
#PackingNotes: remember that ziplock with incense candles you left on top of the bookshelf? … neither do I.
#PackingNotes: I have enough sweaters to survive a winter in Pluto.
#PackingNotes: clothes hangers are intelligent beings. When threatened, they form packs and work together to avoid going into boxes.
There must be a glitch in the Matrix - snow in may? -.
And all my winter stuff is packed in a box.
Iron Man 2: not as great as the first one, but not a franchise killer (★★★☆☆)
Everybody is claiming support for HTML5 as a way to weaken Adobe Flash before pushing their own agenda.
Taxes filled. I must say that the official Norwegian online tax submission is 10x simpler than US alternatives.
It’s getting tiring to write “… iPhones, iPods and iPads” every damn time. Thinking of using iProds.
Adobe really needs to have an amazing Flash version for Android soon, or embrace HTML5. The burden of proof is theirs, not Apple’s.
Damn, I was counting on WWDC being on late June.
Back in Oslo after a month. Landlord asked permission come in and “arrange some stuff” for pics. Walked into a completely new apartment.
Sleepless after an afternoon of kidnapping horror stories. My neighbor being the main character of the most recent one. #imissoslo
Que sabroso es votar.
There is something really fun about bringing a 5 y/o laptop back to life, and setting it up “just right”
Impresionante como “¿muerto quiere misa?” y “¿tico quieres pizza?” suenan parecido, y significan lo mismo.
Missed. My. Flight.
Include #pendejo on any reply.
Any recommendation of international movers in Europe? Finding lots of brokers online, but not the companies that do the work
Madrid, amazing friends, great weather, and abundant food and caña. Good times.
Y ahora a ver a los madrileños estresados en el segundo tiempo. Grande fiesta o grande rasca.
Walked around city. Visited a museum. Slept on the park after watching iPhone OS 4 keynote, and soon meeting friends. Near perfect day.
In Genoa. Trully beautiful city, filled with, ehm, beautiful stuff. No Apple Store, but at the moment, couldn’t care less.
In Paris. My “femmes with guitars” playlist never sounded so good.
I know that in India, if you’re one in a million, there are 1100 people just like you …
Ahh Paris, the city where you can eat deliciously without paying too mu … WTF? €39?
Had a great time. Pretty unique window shopping though.
Top 3 useful phrases from the map for Amsterdam:
Marry me = Traumah
Do you swallow or spit? = sch-lick yea off spuk yea?
Breast of a monkey = ahpe teet
Need a soundtrack for the next two weeks. Going to buy a few albums and search the iTunes attic for a few old ones. Any recos?
Testing geolocation on Twitter.
When I see a new iMac I’m convinced the iMac+iPad combo just makes sense. Then I use my MacBook on a different desk, an it sounds stupid.
phew, just made a big credit card payment. Remind me never again to think that a big limit is a good thing.
Amazon’s Kindle passive-aggressive ads against iPad: Easy to read, even on bright sunlight. Free 3G, no monthly contracts.
Seriously considering quitting Facebook for a personal tumblr blog. To login feels like a chore, and the interaction is just too shallow.
It is done. #ERP
Happy about tomorrow chill plans. Just what the doctor ordered after this week. Well, maybe not exactly his prescription, but close enough.
Book publishers: some “people” won’t just buy the paperback when the eBook is unavailable. They still get to read it. Connect the dots.
Europe has 731 million people speaking 23 languages. S America, 569 Million and 3 major ones.
No Excuse Not To Succeed
Not artsy enough for today’s concert at Blå. All I hear is static and echo.
“the simplest explanation is usually the right one” vs. “things aren’t always what they seem”. My brain needs a strategy meeting.
If you’re reading this tweet from Boston in 2007. Please find me and demand that I take the negotiation class, no matter the schedule.
Don’t worry, given my skills, I won’t be able to say no. Also, feel free to tell me that my Mom was right, cargo pants aren’t cool again.
Some emails can knock your air out.
Really beautiful day in Oslo. Brain keeps saying “Must go out!”, body answers: “check the temperature, you dense grey goo”.
About to see in 3D how deep the rabbit hole goes.
Just heard some great news from great friends. Was reminded that you shouldn’t fret 9-5 too much. Life happens from 5-9.
Done for the night. See you all in six hours.
About 40 screenshots to go #1050isgonnarock
Always remember: when in doubt, restart.
If you’re ever cooking, and for the life of you - suddenly can’t find the recipe book. Check the fridge.
Don’t ask.
Trying out an US layout keyboard again after two years. Pressing instead of ↩︎ every 5 seconds dammit
Previous tweet misunderstood. Not ↓, just making a peculiar joke. Anyways, #ERP’it.
If I don’t have the skills to fill my competence skills in the #ERP system, should I just take the hint?
Cold, dark and snowy. IPod shuffle playlist just turned suicidal. What an #ERP walk home.
Just had an uplifting chat about possible future plans with a good friend.
Crazy talk, but still interesting.
I’m wary of websites that put the US on top of the country pull-down list.
Does it have a silent “A” in front that I can’t see?
Can’t believe I hadn’t seen Kiss Kiss Bang Bang before. Brilliant movie.
Just finished The Girl Who Played with Fire. Liked 1st one better, but still good enough. Looking for next book on Kindle store.
Ender’s Game is the first book on my reading list not available for the Kindle.
Will probably go with Michael Crichton’s Pirate Latitudes
Less that half-way through, and today’s work day sucks. I have: angry, sarcastic, condescending and questioning emails on my inbox.
Snowboarding was great! Managed to stand long enought to say: ARGGGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
Thinking of a Web browser with integrated keylogger.
You leave it as default browser in Mac guest account, in case it gets stolen.
“There are several good protections against temptation, but the surest is cowardice.” ~Mark Twain
Doing benchmarks is so much fun when you win.
Specially by a whole lot.
Damn. Just dreamt I was being mugged at gunpoint. There was no indication, but I knew I was back in Caracas.
The idea that a package sent from Florida on monday arrived two days later still baffles me.
I hate PayPal so much.
Unlike the iPhoneOS, OS X and Windows are full of UI dead-ends. Menus and dialogs that after you arrive, you can’t easily get back from.
Feliz Dia Palíndromo! 01022010
Keep thinking that is trying to tell us what we don’t wanna hear:
Humans are the ones that can’t multitask.
There should never be a Sync button on an App. It’s either an option that’s enabled and works in the background, or it’s useless.
Could the iPad’s 3G weird Micro Sim be more about an iPod touch 3G?
Maybe is segmenting 3G: iPhone (voice), iPad/iPod/MacBook (data)
Remember to reset your iPhone if it’s acting up. It may put a strong face, but it still has a desktop OS inside.
I dreamt about the Apple tablet last night. I was playing a board game on it with a friend.
Stupidly, I forgot to snap a pic.
TechCrunch: Will Next Week’s Apple Event Finally Bring Background Apps To The iPhone?
Propuesta: marcar con #sinluz los reportes de corte de electricidad en Venezuela.
Facilita encontrar los tweets y utilizar la información.
Handyman inability:
Got Win7 with Boxee up and running on Acer Revo. Don’t quote me but, Win7 is kinda nice.
Back in Oslo. Everything is very white and very cold. Just want to get home, eat a soup and go to sleep.
Happy new year/decade everyone.
Have fun and be safe. It’s going to be a great year.
Well, I think everything is done. Or as done as you can make it without coding anything. Now, off to pack for my trip home! #arenitaplayita
Aww crap.
I think world leaders have not seen enough “killer asteroid” type movies.
And people have seen too many.
Having a not-great day.
Am I calm? I’m fucking ZEN!
Just ordered me-dad and me-self two Kindle’s for Xmas.
You can now feel safe that Apple is going to release the tablet tomorrow then.
Twitter is finding out about “things” before some mailinglists.
seriously considering opening a new mail account just for humans. Services/lists emails are taking over my inbox. Any suggestions?
Questions to answer on any project doc:
Rename headlines as needed.
Just used “iffy” in a troubleshooting email reply. I just know I’ll regret it.
Google CEO: “If you have something that you don’t want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn’t be doing it in the first place” #idonthavesex
Every time you put a target date in a roadmap, an angel loses its wings.
They instantly become release gremlins, sabotaging all milestones.
I had completely forgotten that the tv was announced the same day as the iPhone. Talk about being overshadowed since birth.
The weather sponsored test for foreigners in Norway is over. Rainy Nov is gone. Cold -yet blue or snowy- Dec is here.
MacBook media center won’t start again. What am I supposed to do? Read? … oh, right.
But need to fix it first.
Girl who was walking really fast and turning around in front of me. Sorry if I scared you. Had my hoodie on cause it was cold.
Never judge a book by its cover.
But do judge an app by its icon.
Lost returns 2/2/2010 9pm EST. They have 18 hours left to explain WTF is going on. I just hope they know.
Just got my Google Wave invite. Thanks SpE!
If “Office Plant Police” is ever made into a TV Show, I’ll be in deep trouble. I’m so sorry Shirley!
Happy to find out PS3 games are region free (unlike Blu-ray movies). Will lump together a bunch of games for Xmas US trip.
Starting to loose geek creed with friends when they ask if I have Google Wave invites. Don’t even have an account.
Oslo sentrum on Sunday morning is a vomit minefield.
movie / destruction level / responsible: independence day / 50% / aliens Day after 2morrow / 80% / humans 2012 / 99.99999% / universe
However you call it: ratón, resaca, cruda, guayabo, hangover or fyllesyke.
I have it ☂
Twitter should have a friday night filter. The norwegian tweets I’m seeing are similar to the Venezuelan and east coast tweets I’ll soon see
Every time I say “it’s snowing, it’s snowing. God I hate this weather”, I’m quoting a Fointains of Wayne song. Don’t feel bad Oslo.
#propuestapais: Diez mil bibliotecas. Cualquier libro publicado en el país, garantizado una compra por biblioteca.
«emailing is not work» That’s why engineering types write short and nasty ones and marketing types write long and flamboyant ones.
Feeling kinda of dirty for using iWeb on a site project I’m helping out on. But it’s sooooo easy to use, and fits the bill perfectly.
Can anybody suggest good Windows software product pages? have a bunch of Mac ones, but few from the Windows world.
Just ordered my first Pizza online in Oslo. Can’t believe it took me a year. Will see everybody again in Spring!
Random thought: a black bear with insomnia during hibernation must be really bored. Or pissed.
Going to People’s for brunch/lunch. In case anyone wants to join.
Yikes! Kindle International Edition: $279, Shipping: $20.98, Import fees to Norway: $75.00.
Think I’ll hold off for a bit still.
It’s past 7am in the East Coast. Bye bye twitter. As soon as the US wakes up, the #obama_nobel onslaught will begin.
Oslo’s duty free creates a conundrum: I need to spend to save money.
Flying to London for the weekend. Must not buy a Sony e-book reader, must not buy a … Kinda glad my card smells like burned plastic.
Just bought online Assassin’s Creed and Little Big Planet for my new PS3. Couldn’t resist it.
What a hellish day. Meetings are productivity bloodsuckers.
Health, love, family and friends (here, there and everywhere). Best birthday ever. Hello 28.
If your iPhone displays all incoming calls as an “Unknown Caller” check with your provider. Most likely you don’t have caller id activated.
#fall09TV List: The Big Bang Theory, How I met your mother, The Mentalist, Mad Men, Psych, Bored To Death, Two and a Half Men
Kinda of ashamed of how much I enjoy coming to ikea
Don’t know why I trust small companies more than big ones: just deleted my account after Intuit acquisition was announced.
Back in Oslo. Turkey was great. Need to go trough 1000+ pics to make something shareable.
Sarps b-day party was incre-wait for it-dible. Headache is a reminder of the good times.
Leaving for turkey! I think I figured out how we can make nano CPU processors. Will tweet when I land.
Sometimes I appreciate the productivity elegance of not answering an email. It’s the Norwegian way of saying NO.
MacBook mediacenter now up and running again with Snow Leopard + Miro + Boxee. Suck on that TV (which I also own btw)
Least fun part of the job: taking screenshots in Windows Vista machine. Not only do I hate Vista, it hates me.
Editing actual content in XML is like, like, hmmm. It sucks!
Country compatibility check #7: You’re the scary one in a dark alley.
A blank canvas paralyzes me. Templates, examples and blueprints get me going. was right: Rip. Mix. Burn.
I hate DVD media so much. Why can’t I download an OS image to an USB drive? Screw the fruit company, going to bittorrent.
Took hard drive out. It’s dead alright. Sounds like an old 14.4 modem trying to connect. I think I have original one somewhere.
Media center MacBook just died. Looks like hard drive is fried, then I’ll take this in stride. It’s not true I cried. Word.
Rework took a bit longer than expected, but happy with the results. Let’s see what the rest of the team thinks.
It’s alive!!!
Have you told your consumer electronics you love them recently? Do it now. You’ll feel better.
I actually like the blue dots #opera10
If anyone sees my brain, please tell it to report back to the mezzanine. thanks.
Parents 30th anniversary. Me: “Big plans?” Mom: “We forgot!” That’s love … ♥
RT “Aristóbulo, pasame el Twitter ese para escribirle a esa gente”- “Señor Presidente, solo acepta 140 caracteres” - “Coño” #freemediave
Yikes. It has been actually 6 years since Reloaded! They must be right: Time heals everything.
5 years after watching it (twice) in theaters, The Matrix Reloaded still does not deserve to be called a sequel. Great F/X. Bland world.
Video chatting with my dad in Caracas. Grandma shows up and tells us how she used to send telegrams to her dad in US. #XXIcentury
There is a simple moment of blissfulness when something compiles without errors ↩︎
Manually backing up old blog posts for website update. I cringe at most of my predictions: about 1/10 right/wrong ratio.
Breakfast or lunch? That is the question. #lazysunday
Lots of noise. I order beer. Girl behind bar points to “be good or be gone” sign. Sudenly there is a shot next to my beer. Happy weekend!
You say tomato, I say we stopped talking about fruits and vegetables a few days ago. Why bring it up again? Que vaina.
brive. (verb): To operate and control the browser.
she told him:click there, no, the other one; he said: here, just brive yourself
Just realized that background notifications don’t work in my unlocked iPhone. I can imagine why they’d do it. But still, frak you Apple.
“Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost” ~ Thomas Jefferson #FreeMediaVe
La peor parte de la Censura es ♒♒♒ ♒♒♒♒ #FreeMediaVe
Surprised of how much I liked Ice Age 3. [****]
“You can’t tolerate the facts” #1stdraftmovielines
inbox zero! (+5 unremovable’s). Next week is mostly planned out. This can only mean: it’s #beeroclock
Weekend rafting in Sjoa was super fun. Everything. Hurts. Today.
Newsweek article prompted me to start working again on an idea about a social network for vzlan expats.
phew, now that Raúl Castro is in Nicaragua we can finally have a productive discussion regarding democracy in Honduras.
Transformers 2 is 148 minutes too long [★★]
Creativity dissolves when you tell somebody what needs to be done. Followed by, how he/she should do it. #DIYthen
rum with iced tea makes the clouds go away. And also smile like a bloody idiot.
Had whale steak last weekend and elk burgers last night. If trend continues, will probably have fried puppies by summer’s end.
Rainy day in Oslo. Not that Norwegians notice.
Hmm. My “trick” to use • in front of some playlist names (• Latest podcasts) to keep them on top, doesn’t work in OS 3.0.
OS 3.0 up and running on my unlocked 1st gen iphone. Feels snappier™
It was a long day. Good news that tomorrow is going to be … a little shorter. Yet more intensive.
Looks like tomorrow is going to be a loooong day.
please work. please work. please work. please work.
They seemed to have fixed all my complaints with my MacBook 13in. Better battery, FW800 and lower price. Damn you .
Pretty sure I’m sitting this #iPhone out also. Can’t stand locked phones anymore. Gonna wait till Sept for new iPod Touch
✔ inbox 0 ✔ cleared desktops ✔ weekly log ✔ updated task list ✔ ready for weenend ✖ beer time
the #tvshow Mental is really bad. Predictable plot, characters and overall formula. It’s going to be a long summer without Lost.
bought mocha beans dipped in chocolate to “curb sugar craving at work”. Bag is gone now. Stomach ache expected in a few minutes.
#opera10 tip: Double-click on the handle below the tabs to fully show/hide visual tabs
Thoughts go out to the Atlantic Ocean #FlightAF447
Healthy wrap place around the corner from office is turning into a spicy kebab and pizza. How sad. Will report on kebab and pizza soon.
Darn. I was so tired last night that I left the fridge open. The germ freak in me will probably throw everything out.
Back at work. Lots of it.
Hmm. Surprising how a little a little rum on the iced tea helps with video editing creativity.
Weird, twitpic points to another pic than the one I took. This could potentially be scary.
Really liked the Star Trek movie. Surprised how they managed to balance 6 TV series and 10 movies and keep it a good blockbuster.
Gonna write a userscript that searches every time a site displays “This video is not available in your country”
… Or maybe they’re convinced that no flu can survive aquavit. Which is probably a scientifict fact.
On plane full of norwegians. Not one mouth mask. Pretty sure attitude is: if we’re gonna die, might as well be comfortable.
Leaving for Paris to meetup with sis and mum. Found the napkin with solution to Riemann Hypothesis.
How gullible. I felt happy reading something is available exclusively for . When it actually means it’s only ready for that .
Another person told me I spoke english with scandinavian accent! Ja? Nie. It will be a loooong time before I speak norsk with any accent
Let me say this in the nicest way possible: the new Aluminum MacBook battery sucks ass vs. the previous white one.
Leaving for a weekend in London. Hope the weather is as nice as Oslo.
Btw, I think I solved the Riemann Hypothesis in a napkin. Will post it when I land
Arrived in London. Thank you for losing the bag you took from me at the door. Pendejos.
iPhone completely locked up when I unplugged headphones. Weird.
I think it’s officially time to put away the winter jacket. Beautiful day in Oslo!
As more early majority friends join Twitter I see a future with two accounts. A private one that replaces FB and the this one.
“Service Pack 2 adds the ability to open, edit and save documents in version 1.1 of the OpenDocument Format for Word, Excel, and PowerPo …
Leaving Boston for Oslo. So long and thanks for all the meat! Btw, I found a new way to measure time and space. Will tweet it when I land
thank u “md” open wifi. I appreciate your socialist tech-kindness
Walking around Cambridge-Boston. Nostalgia+dejavu+smiles=sighs
Leaving Peter Luger. I apologize to the cow’s family. They died for a good cause though.
In cab to NYC. Now where is my Red Sox’s cap?
Start spreading the news … In Iceland, next stop: NYC!!! (Don’t worry Boston, see you next week)
It took a couple of trips to realize that the international security point in oslo airport is to keep people out of the duty free.
In mobile monday oslo. A LOT more suits than expected. I’m wearing a t-shirt
What a dumbass. Survived 3 winter months without falling on the ice and I sprain my ankle walking to work on a spring day.
“All of this has happened before, and it will all happen again.” Or will it? Loved #BSG finale.
Undo Send, Drunk email Filter, Calendar gadget. If Gmail existed in the late 90’s half of Dawson’s Creek drama would make no sense.
Good friends are made obvious with simple actions.
This was a weird week at work. A couple of “truths” where shaken. But the weekend is here and beer is a Real_World™ antidote
“Forever’s not so long” nice short film.
Site is back up. Maybe it just wanted some attention? That’s all I need, a spoiled virtual server.
Down again. Effing site.
Going to Watchmen tonight. W00t!
Having a blanding beer (half pilsner, half bayer) in the northernmost brewery in the world. In Tromsø
After 8 months in Oslo I finally found a rude and useless Norwegian. He works at the office downtown. Hi Jon!
There is excitement in the office Quake Live I see a few working late days in the future
My life just flashed before my eyes. Actually, it was a Fanta bottle falling on my keyboard. Turning off and drying seemed to have worked‽
Did find a website to get both a library card AND pay my hunting license fee. Useful if I ever need to research and then shoot a reindeer.
Damnation! missed some paperwork, hence tax retention for this month was 50%. I TENKE (think in norsk) it’s fixed now.
Damnation. Woke up with a Cold.
Beautiful and cold day in Oslo (-15C).
I officially reached adulthood: just bought a dryer for my apartment.
Tip: if you wanna meet the head of security of wroclaw airport, bring a tempur-pedic travel pillow in your hand bad. Vzla passport helpful
In Poland. Bad weather in Wroclaw so had to land in Krakow (not as close as it sounds, 4h bus ride) damn.
Venezuelan pianist playing with Yo-Yo Ma in inauguration right now (Gabriela Montero)
Arrived home.
Ccs-Fra flight delayed. Probably going to miss Fra-Osl connection. Hence, will be late for work. Damn.
Radio interview in about 1 minute to talk about Opera (90.3 FM)
Movistar iPhone 3G unlock: epic fail
I think I just unlocked my first iPhone 3G.
Blackberry Messenger network effects in Venezuela are impressive. 9 out of 10 friends and family have one. Probably will give in soon.
A good source in movistar told me that the Bold numbers completly overshadowed iPhone 3G launch here.
finally upgraded to wordpress 2.7. New admin screen (dashboard) is beautiful
Simple iPhone sync just went to hell. Phone is now locked and very pissed about not being activated.
I would be so rich if I had to fill out expense reports for my personal life. But it would be a sad little rich life
Long and tiring day in Sandvika mall. But got 80% of my Christmas shopping done. Ho ho ho
Oslo, Dec 8th. Sunrise: 9:05am. Sunset: 3:13pm. Times my stomach thinks it’s dinner: 5pm, 7pm, 9pm, 9:30pm and sugar craving at 11pm
Hit the snooze button two hours ago. Now 1 hour late for work. I hate Mondays.
Fucking pissed. Has been a while. Probably will work out in the end.
in a Bavarian party. Darkest guy in the room!!
Most senile moment in my life: just went into the storage room, pickup a bag and … lost the fragging lock which was in my hand.
yes, I’m in Norway. But, there is a chance that I want to use the US store you bloody idiot. That’s it, off to piratebay
MacBook trackpad update seems to be working great.
Frag. It’s sometimes easier to bittorrent a damn game than to buy it legally. I’m talking to you finally gets an iPhone client Sadly t
Just setup a rsync script that runs every hour with launchd, and moves downloaded “content” by afp to hacked AppleTV. Efficiently sexy imho.
I’ve been having an usability discussion with my snooze button in the last week. My use-case needs works.
I was at the market with my Red Sox cap on and the checkout guy asked me “are you happy with the election?” context: I’m in Norway
W00t! 2x2gigs sticks from Crucial just arrived. MacBook 2006 to 2008 transition is almost done. MobileMe made really it extra easy
Just ate horse meat. Feel dirty and remorseful. In other words, feeling sexy. Still, couldn’t look at my old horse in the eyes for some time
O shite. It’s snowing. Wake me up in spring.
Went to gym for a run. Couldn’t figure out the f*cking keypad to open the door. Dammit
Back in Oslo. UK was great! Now I need to catch up with the office. Fast
In Scotland. Presenting tomorrow in University of St. Andrews and then University of Glasgow
New Macbook is in the bag. Literally. W00t! Will play with it later today. Now, any recomendation for buying cheap memory in london?
in London. Somehow lost the list of numbers for friends I wanted to call. It’s a city of only 12M, I may bump into them.
Dammit! New MacBooks out of stock at southampton store. Saw one though, love at first sight.
Apple Store Bristol doesn’t have new MacBooks yet. Damn.
Thanks to everyone that showed up at University College of London and those who tagged along to Nordic Bar. Skøl!
Having a pint on an old style English pub under the big ben talking about universal healthcare. Groovy.
Jogged for an hour. It was 80% commitment and 20% getting lost. Really lost.
Best t-shirt I saw in Bergen. Image: whale in the background. Text: If we had dolphins we would eat them too .
There are many reasons why I never forget that the iPhone has real OS. One of them being that reseting it fixes stuff
Wall-E, Terminator, The Matrix and Battlestar Galactica: the robot uprising has been pre-announced
Finally going to watch wall-e! Really wish Emi was here though
The Rev3 HD streaming on the AppleTV is amazingly fast.
The only way to say something nice about my haircut is to tell people who are staring: “it’s art”
Going to ☾. But before I had to twitterkey. I’m such a ♟ (it’s a pawn, just in case)
Sat down on the couch and MacBook shutoff. Pressed play and AppleTV reseted. Waiting for iPhone to explode.
15min with new AppleTV. Already in love.
Holy toledo, X-Plane is out for the iPhone!!! buying this instant.
New iPhone 2.1 feature “Option to wipe data after ten failed passcode attempts”. Very useful imho
Front Row Update out. Maybe now it can see rented movies.
Ok eReader, I have unsubscribed from your mailing list 4 times. Somehow I thought you where a respectable company. You are now a spammer.
No suprise. video on demand doesn’t work in Norway, even with US account (unlike iTunes)
Calendar and email push in MobileMe are definitely not working for me
End of an era. Don LaFontaine (the voice-over of almost every trailer I’ve seen) passed away
Found Dr.Pepper in Oslo. Happy days are here again
Ok. I’ll say it: Oh shoot, google is getting in the browser business!
Fascinated and scared shitless by the fact that I’m sitting in the balcony of my rented apt (for a year) in Norway. What now?
Praise the lords of kobol! internet in my new apartment! fast, sweet, 1MBps cable
Looking back on my life, I can honestly say: I don’t think that chocolate pudding was such a great idea
unappreciated details of life: try asking for baby powder in a language you don’t know. For extra points, do it while looking serious.
unappreciated details of life: being able to read what the checkout register says. Godkjent means approved in case you are wondering
The Taco Pizza is the most delicious innovation in the pizza world since pepperoni. And no, anchovies don’t even count
Playing around with Looks pretty good. All I need now is content for my blog
Sometimes you have to suppress that “WTF am I doing here!” feeling and just go with the flow
I just bought cheese in a supermarket in Oslo. At least it looks like cheese
On my way to Oslo. Chao playita, hi fjords!
La atención de va de mal en peor. No recomendado
unlocking dad’s iPhone … everything looking good for now
Taking pictures of babies is a bad idea. You feel like crap when you try to delete the “bad ones”
I’ve been on hold for 20 minutes trying to get a way to pay AT&T an early cancellation fee from oversea. I hate telecom companies
Done with AT&T. I find it funny/visionary that I was using Skype to cancel my AT&T account.
Running iPhoneOS 2 in Venezuela with Digitel. now has the Daily Show and the Colbert Report. Gonna miss hulu too.
gad-da’mit Boston. I’m gonna miss you.
maybe Strikthree. Dunno. Just saying
can’t help thinking TB Rays pitcher Balfour needs new name.
at Red Sox game. Wondering what the data cables on top of me are
I think I’m gonna give up on Spook Country. Almost halfway through and still I’m forcing myself to read it. sigh. First Quicksilver …
How in the bloody hell does a post that only says Twitter! gets on techmeme?
Mars Phoenix landed!!!
Just noticed that my building is in the background of a CD cover of The Mighty Mighty Bosstones
Making two running playlists: /Pumped and /Plateau. The / at the start puts it at the top of the playlists
Just accepted Product Manager position at Opera Software. Moving to Oslo in August. Very excited!
Eg forstår ikkje is going to be part of my vocabulary soon.
Officially a MSIS and MBA. Unofficially: G33k
That was a very fun party. I think.
parents are here for graduation
Playing around with textmate and textile on the blog.
holy shit, Ars Wired? This could be cool!
Initially I was convert my 1st rev Macbook to a media thingy adter buying the upcoming version. Now I may just get an AppleTV.
vespa along the charles with emi on the back. Bliss
Emily llega hoy!!!
I’m pretty sure the Oslo airport was designed by IKEA
Back in Boston
Thanks to everyone that sent good wishes. Interview was great. Now let’s see: offer, other optipns and more important, what emily thinks.
7 interviews. With good hard tech questions. So tired
unlike the other museums, the science/tech one is only in norwegean. They have pretty pictures though
Beer & pizza overlooking The Parliament park
at Oslo. Local num +47 99262791
unlocking iPhone for Norway trip. If anyone has a recommendation for prepaid sims in europe, please let me know
Leaving for the airport. Oslo, here I come! (actually Iceland first)
Came to lunch to a little known place called Fenway! Go Sox!
The weather is so nice i’m suspicious
bittersweet moment. Just earned a TruBlue award flight. BECAUSE of the Vegas trip.
leaving vegas. It was a fun and expensive trip
Jennifer Government is the most fun I’ve had with a book since down and out the magic kingdom
Hoping that the caffeine and sugar combo in my mocha frappuccino will keep me awake the next 4 hours
At Boston. No sleep. But nice flight
I need an email.
Update: still no x-ray vision or flying ability. Don’t know why
Today is one of those mornings … when I wake up in the afternoon
Wearing new Superman t-shirt. Curious on how long it’ll take to start noticing superpowers
Loud and full
Hip hop is my kryptonite. No merengue, no charm
Just landed in Vegas baby
7 hours ago I opened the fridge and ignored an expiration date. That, my friends, was a mistake
Can’t sleep. Spook Country still hasn’t picked up.
woke up early to reserve team room, Now I’ll do the stupid thing of going to bed for “30min”
ouch. $60 data charge for using the iPhone a couple of times in Mexico. I’m such an idiot.
What the bloody hell?! Federico has Facebook chat and I don’t? do they know who I am? bananaoil I tell you.
I really hope that what just sprinted across the window as an anorexic squirrel. Tail looked kinda thin
Babson girl kicked Harvard butt. A+ on presentation, C- on humbleness
At pitch idol session. One of the judges is an A-hole. But … Dammit he’s right
At Harvard E-Trek conference.
OPT work permit finally arrived. Pheww
It’s refreshing to listen to a lawyer who is in touch with the real world (I imagine the same applies to priests)
first days of Spring in Boston feel like when they take out your braces. Wonderful, yet weird
At Tech Entrepreurship Night (BU) web2.0 panel
5pm … too late for lunch. too early for dinner. to close to run time
at Cornwalls with friends. Bar/owner said hi to everyone. This is my Cheers
as any Cheers episode, there was drama. And a: To be continued at the end
Wooohooo. Interview in Oslo, Norway for a company I really like and a position I really want
Red Sox game with my Boston Family today
For a moment I was actually concerned that my KEYBOARD was getting a firmware update
4 planes, 3 choppers and no parking spots. It must be opening day
Can’t believe Numbers doesn’t have ‘Transpose’ feature. That and pivot tables are deal breakers.
Late night job search turned out a few gems.
Class about conjoint analysis brought back memories of 1st screwup at P&G’s search is just terrible. Absolute bananaoil
Just bought a 1st gen nano for running. Nice guy, good price and fast. Craigslist is an example of why I’m a liberal.
Bananaoil is my new favorite word t-shirt arrives. Spring is officially here now
April Fools is a good day to stay offline and contemplate … if I should be online
I was going to go to bed early. Somehow ended up installing wordpress 2.5. And NOT finishing my resume
Correction: I did finnish my resume update and design change
was visited at 3am by a band of ruffians
I WILL finish my homepage this weekend. The Gods of Kobol are my witness
I really like Sprint’s latest marketing campaign. Between the Centro’s “Multitaskers”, the one about the Lights, and the newest with the CEO
kinda homesick. No matter, movie night!
Looking for a good historical short stories book. The kind that’s good for opening speeches.
kinda of pissed off today.
just bought some t-shirts to celebrate spring.
As soon as Numbers gets pivot tables, i won’t open Excel ever again. Can’t wait
Someday i’ll grow up and not smile every time I have to deal with a dummy variable
Having fun with SPSS
Getting philosifical over orange rum and dave matthews
off to the Museum of Science.
Damn. No double feature Lost today and abc streaming is down. WHAT TO DO? working again.
Spring is back, with it my Vespa. Speed Racer, Mach Go!
My MacBook battery life is down to about an hour. Both my mom’s and my roommate’s MB died in the last week. Apple, let’s talk QA
Opera Software called. I’m still in the process it seems. Interview is next week
Yojimbo is dead. Long live Evernote
never choose a web hosting provider with stock images of happy people on their website. Any reco for hosting a simple wordpress site? is now open. If you are on the US and want to watch TV Shows online, give it a try. Pretty nice
Arthur C Clarke is not dead. He is just visiting a black monolith around Jupiter.
really, really, really rather be home reading with the tv in the background
Oaxaca is great. Gonna swim in the pacific tomorrw
red line to south st $3. Amtrack to NY $59. LIRR to jamaica $5. Airtrain to terminal 1 $5. Getting thrown out of terminal, priceless
note to self: never travel again until they develop people-faxes
Leaving for Oaxaca! I’ll be back in a week. Stay foolish everyone (but never hungry)
finished packing up and then noticed my only two swim trunks on the floor. I need adult supervision.
live reading Apple iPhone Event
If you think the iPhone/iPod touch are cool now. Wait until june. Hundreds of apps are coming.
Yes. Inbox Zero
Doing a SPSS exercise while listening to Sigur Rós makes you see The Matrix
Either I lost my touch or Excel 2008 really sucks. As soon as Numbers gets pivot tables I will stop using Office ever again. and update complete
Careful Hugo. If you play with fire you’re gonna get burned
Costco, I hate that I love you. You complete me.
Someday I’m gonna be INVITED to TED
crap. woke up feeling sick
woohoo. iPhone event next week!
I think I know why people become entrepreneurs: No cover letters.
Ok Apple. I appreciate not releasing anything that “I just have to buy” in the last 3 months. Now stop it!
Oh shoot. iPhone update out. If I unlocked your iPhone. PLEASE DO NOT UPGRADE!
Going to bed to dream about Aluminum MacBook’s
not in a class mood at all
in a way I want the new MacBook Pro’s to look the same. That way I’ll wait until the new Metal/Black Macbook’s come out
That took waaay longer than expected. But I’m happy with the results.
Happy Hookup day!
just modded iPhone earphones by switching earpiece with JVC in-ear one. The smell of soldering is still in the air. I’m now a master geek
Jezzz. Worst walk ever to school.
What a lazy bastard. Didn’t run today.
Watching ideo video to improve job application. jeezz i want to work there
Sweet. Sweet. Sweet. Opera Software wrote back with more questions.
I procrastinate … therefore I am.
Updated my security: Created admin account. Changed default permissions. Disabled listed logins. Generated long passwords. don’t tell anyone
SuperDuper for Leopard available tomorrow. I’ll have backups again tomorrow.
I hate Microsoft Word so much
Carnivals north of the tropic of cancer suck. big time.
just returned from an unsuccessful IDEO exercise outing.
Somehow the microsoft-yahoo deal makes sense to me
Sat down to write a cover letter. Selected shuffle in iPod. First song: “Words don’t come easy to me”. Don’t know if I should laugh or cry.
I love Boston Legal
Said it before and I’ll say it again. DMB + Tim Reynolds is the best reading music
Inbox Zero!
1:15 to go. Excitement…
Macbook Air!!!
Dave Matthews and Tim reynolds is the perfect soundtrack for paper writing
very weird dream last night. Not cool.
Being quiet so the meeting moves along. Not working
Firefox 3 beta 2 is veeery nice. Thinking of moving back from Safari… i need a hobby.
One of the things I miss the most of Virtub is listening to smart people discuss things like Amazon’s SimpleDB
Why isn’t 11 pronounced “onety-one”?
best new feature in leopard. RPN in the calculator!
Been thinking about email clients lately. First thought: Make the UI “Contact-Centric” rather than “Email-Centric”. Think IM
Just got my www. private invite!
WE WON!!!!!!!
It is time. Tell us what we know.
Holy Sh*t. Looks like we did it.
Think positive. Be careful. Vota No.
getting together with fede and los herrera to wait for results
-4C + Open Helmet + Vespa = Botox face
Switching to Safari
Broke down and bought external dvd drive. Macbook’s drive suck big-time
Need a haircut … need a shave … need some loving
effing macbook dvd drive sucks
Went to comic store and bought Planete Vol. 2 & 3 and Full Metal Alchemist Vol. 3. At meeting found another manga fan! (she reco’d Bleach)
Super Mario Galaxy is the most fun I’ve had in a game since … Super Mario World 2.
Surprised how much my music purchasing has moved from iTunes to Amazon MP3
Helvetica (film) was beyond amazing
DAMN IT! it’s dark already. And now … I’m hungry
the plan: apple store, microcenter and costco.
Very nice day. Grabbing my XTi and going to take pics. (Full Metal Alchemist vol.2 in the back pocket)
Geeky Thanksgiving. Just received the Helvetica Documentary and Planetes Manga book 1
I tried to prolong it. But the winter jacket is out of the closet.
Trying not to buy the black Eee PC
Don’t still Beto yet, things to do. Don’t install Beto yet .. Don’t … Oh! cool icon!
¿Por qué no te callas?
twitter hat meme is on
Waiting for phone call for job interview.
Moodblast updates Facebook, Twitter & Adium. Pretty cool
making a Poster for Symposium.
I wont have lunch until I finnish this deliverable … I’m hungry
When is BSG Season 3 DVD coming out?! Been waiting for months
Mozilla Prism + Google Gears = Interesting
Bad thing of having your desk in the bedroom: if you’re feeling sick, productivity tends to zero
Listening to radiohead while writing an email makes them shorter. I swear.
Can’t believe that after 3 years turned off my Newton started perfectly with a new battery. Still the most beautifully simple UI ever
Welcome to the opensocial. brought to you by google
Making a halloween poster in 15minutes
If Gmail2.0’s UI is as fast as they say, I would consider going back to webmail.
Burrito grande or Quesadilla? that is the questions
Thunderbird all setup. Liking already
Thinking about trying Thunderbird. is the biggest disappointment on Leopard
Finished folding laundry. Nothing is missing. Something is wrong.
Leopard running. It was not a flawless process
The web feels quiet. Leopard quiet.
Still thinking of how to upgrade. Current Plan: Clone Drive, Clean Install, Use Migration Assistant. Love to plan all the details.
Just bought SuperDuper. I Just don’t like the idea of Time Machine saving stuff I deleted.
IMAP! IMAP! IMAP! just in time for tonight’s upgrade. Praise the lords of kobol, and the google.
I know it’s crazy. But I really like
Duh, Migration Assistan doesn’t let you select which Apps to Migrate. Back to square one.
Logout on iPhone, Macbook. NO FREAKING IMAP. Google, please. Call me ok?
I Just purchased a plane ticket Boston-Caracas , Caracas - San Francisco. My card smells like burnt plastic. I’m gonna walk SF-Boston
Google please activate my IMAP, activate my IMAP, activate my IMAP, activate my IMAP, activate my IMAP. Thanks
Driving my Vespa trough traffic is like Apollo 13. It’s either going to be a tragedy or my finest hour.
Apple fixing the Dock in the Leopard GM means I’m upgrading this weekend. Kids, do as I say not as I do.
Never go to the first class without reading the syllabus.
Google Sky is too cool. But they have absolutely no imagination in UI design
Newsletter solutions suck big time
CPT, OPT, F1, H1B. I just wanna work dammit!
iPod Touch. Has nice ring to it. After Shuffle, anything works.
going out with my XTi
Apple store is back online. Nothing to see here folks.
The TV will play content from YouTube. Not bad. Still not buying it.
The Palm folio is great. But two years too late.
Nothing good every happens after 2am
I have discovered that a glass of wine helps me with my writing considerably … or at least it makes me think it does
Choosing fall courses. Marketing or entrepreneurship? that is the question.
If EMI strips DRM of their library I’m buying 10 songs as soon as their available.
Discussing IBM turnaround in the 90’s in class. Good case btw (HBS9-600-098)
Just installed 160GB Hitachi hard drive on my MacBook. I feel mega-geek.
Trying out Twitterrific 2.0beta. Really nice update. The best feature for me is going to be the spell check in the posting area.
Currently wishing I was back home in Venezuela. But my Baroque Cycle and Desinging Interactions Books arrived from Amazon. I feel better.
MBA Council meeting, then Symposium 2008 meeting, then Interna marketing talk. Then Lost. Hope Lost is not the most boring one.
Back home in Venezuela for the break. Had to go to the hospital because of pain after broomball fall. Surprise surprise. two broken ribs.
Just watched Flushed Away. Pretty Funny. My chocolate croissant
Almost done. Reaaally hungry. But I forgot to leave anything defrosting. Pizza maybe? nahhh
Jeez, SNL is really bad today
Just bought 3 Calvin and Hobbes books at a bargain B&N sale. Looking forward to getting home and reading them
Somebody answered a very “special” intership email.
I just won an election! new VP of Marketing at BU Graduate School of Management
great Google search tip in, type what your seaching for as an answer, not a questions. That’s probably how the webmaster wrote it.
Cold and Rainy outside. Productivity down. Way down.
Making dinner and waiting for Lost.
writing an internship cover letter. Career center at school keeps going bezerk ’cause I write them too informal. Sorry, I don’t do serious
Why oh Why doesn’t the Nintendo DS support WPA?
Why am I more productive at 3am in the morning?!
Sent a particular internship lettet that makes warm a fuzzy. Now the wait begins
presentation turn out great! as always Keynote and a couple of stock photos saves the day!
Practizing for Presentation. Hopefuly Keynote will do half of the job as usual.
Just got an internship offer increased. The company that shall remain unnamed, sells computers and is considering pre-loading them with SUSE
In class.
Folding laundry while listening to twit. Veronica Belmont, marry me!
Adding people to twitter list. This thing is couple of weeks away of reachin ght tipping point.
Working on an Cost-Benefeit exercise. Giving up and going to bed.
Watching adult swim
Watching Battlestar Galactica 2.5
Intalling my news Dell 22inch Monitor … it looks great
reviewing all Macworld and CES news and launches
preparing breakfast