Just found my 2011 New Year’s Resolutions… I misspelled diligence.
Sorry, but I just can’t help thinking that a “free gift for every child” is either a socialist agenda or a money laundering operation.
All of you whom late tonight have to quietly move a large object from storage into the living room… and then wake up at 6am: I salute you.
Explicar pan de jamón en ingles, y oír “So, it’s like a sandwich?” fue mi fracaso cultural del día.
Had dinner with great friends of the last 18 years. If we knew then what we know now, we’d still be friends… and probably a lot less horny.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011 →
You start to show your age if: “Relive childhood memories” is advertised of something you were too old to use as a kid.
My goodness, upgrading devices to iOS5 and figuring out from where to restore, sync and backup has been a pain in the iButt.
My home Internet is so slow, Kim Jong-il is still alive on my twitter stream.
Back home after 78 days traveling.
Very happy to see parents, dogs and… my own toilet.
Going home.
It should be illegal to fly with this hangover.
It probably is.
Don’t delay your Apple purchases because of rumors.
You end up feeling smarter… and without an iProduct for a long time.
Everyone that ain’t asking for an iPad this Xmas ’cause iPad 3 is “coming soon” stand over there —next to people waiting for the iPhone 5?
Still don’t have access to MacBook, but just redownloaded the 500ish songs I had bought in iTunes to new iPhone.
Now I get iTunes Match.
First tweet from my new iPhone 4S.
I can now write nonsense up to 5x faster.
OH “¿Qué son tequeños?”
Por dios Miami.
There’s 3 weddings and 5 baby photos on my timeline today. Facebook needs a “single” filter.
When you bounce ideas (even stupid ones) off smart people, you are told the “watch-outs”. Not the “why-you-should-not’s”.
Pretty sure a metro machine just scammed me with $1 coins.
Now off to Miami.
Hoping to pass out soon. See you again in EST.