Of course, the side-glances and stares from the receptionist now make a lot more sense. And my previous hypothesis, a bit narcissistic.

“why are you measuring signal strength in the bathroom? Who needs WiFi there?”

I sometimes find my lifestyle difficult to explain.

Estimados amigos vacacionistas de cubículos e insolados por luces de neón: encima de Caracas no hay ni una. sola. nube. #aquemañanallueve

me considero quejón de oportunidades iguales: tanto el carro con calcomanía de Rosario que no da paso, como el de ‘racing’ que va lento.

/dev/sda Looks like the RAID 1 configuration is working.

/dev/sdc Looks like the RAID 1 configuration is working.

I have calmly decided to go to bed, run 10K in the morning, and then get on the roof and kill this fucking access point.


INDEPABIS debería tener una extensión para cuando alguien trae pie de guayaba en vez de chocolate.

I once arrived to a bar so early… they threw me in.

I fought the proxy and I won I needed a server and I got mine The proxy don’t mean shit if you’ve got the right ports. That’s how IT is run.

“Unlike X, the Y fork developer is not existentially challenged.”

Sometimes forums are great.

Turns out “The one that got away” is not a reference to Duck Hunt.

I really need to stop talking to my dogs and expect a reply. It’s freaking-out the cat.

Yeah baby, I have my boxers on, grab my MacBook Air, sit on the bed and… “EAAAAAAOOHHHHOLLY CRAP THE METAL IS COLD”


Our mail programs used to respect us. There was a time when they would announce royally that You got mail. Now a vibrate is all we get.

“You can’t fire me! I… oh, you actually can’t? I’d have to do WHAT?!”

Strict labor laws have ruined many TV sitcom scripts.

Status: Happy monday everybody!

Real Status: i miss friday.

Home is where a long hot shower is.

I blame TV horror films for my lack of handyman skills.

Sink food disposers, breaker boxes and gas stoves, all sound like #deathtraps.

“Live each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit and resign yourself to the influences of each.” — Thoreau

Desde la autopista no veo que viene lluvia, sino una catarata ambulante.