Software is always documented. If original developer doesn’t do it… some poor sucker will have to do it eventually.
Software is always documented. If original developer doesn’t do it… some poor sucker will have to do it eventually.
‘Her’ is to the singularity what ‘Lost in Translation’ is to culture shock.
In so many ways the same universe, and both great movies.
The gentleman’s book is full of corollaries in the “Ladies that can’t lift their carry-on” chapter.
So stop giving me the evil eye 18A.
La emoción por protestas disruptivas en sitios fáciles y convenientes, es eco de las políticas iguales que nos llevaron a este peo.
Cuestiono el valor estratégico de trancar Caurimare y Las Mercedes. No hay universidades ni detenidos cerca. Tampoco emblemático.
Queridos estudiantes, mi corazón está con uds. Pero no mi cerebro ¿que coño están haciendo?
If 3D printed guns are the future of weapons… wars will be over soon.
“Error: MK47.3d couldn’t be printed, check driver”
I could curse at printers again… or just RT a few past ones to save time.
Sorry you have to read this.
Many reasons why, but one nice bonus is that Cmd-Shift-D is now mapped to Dropbox folder everywhere; including Save Dialogs Boxes.
When a Salad Dressing exhales: ⓐ It’s past the expiration date. ⓑ Judging your sad attempt at a diet.
For those that used FB for years, a sort of reboot would be useful: Call it “Friend Archive”, and let me pick again relevant friendships.
Facebook has tried to achieve this with algorithms, but IMHO, it hasn’t been successful.
A Like for a baby pic ≠ interest in babies.
Really think Facebook needs to deal with social network crud: I don’t have the same friends & interests I had 8/4/2 years ago.
El “un millón de gracias” ya no alcanza ni para un favorcito de pena baja.
Good meetings and lots of burgers.
Interview time (and other meetings).
No #PebbleSteel for me, but very excited about the upcoming appstore.
I’m so high from cold-medicine that I might see Santa AND Baby Jesus later.
It’s going to be the podcast of the century.
If I had a penny for every time I wash my Apple headphones with my pants… I’d still be short of the $30 being so stupid costs me.
If you just assume every tweet/email/chat has a :) at the end, the web becomes a better place.