Well, first Apple Card attempt didn’t go as planned →
We are unable to verify your identification information
I might have messed up my last names vs my IDs. Will try again.
The Ad Astra IMAX trailer is my favorite yet.
Well, first Apple Card attempt didn’t go as planned →
We are unable to verify your identification information
I might have messed up my last names vs my IDs. Will try again.
The Ad Astra IMAX trailer is my favorite yet.
How do you fit two adults and two kids, all with a minor cold, in a queen bed? Very uncomfortably.
Robie’s first day in big boy school. He’s not crazy about big changes like these, and remembering my school days… I know where he gets it from.
Switched from Alfred to LaunchBar + PasteBot on the Mac — no reason, just needed to mix up things this week.
Testing YAWN (yet another workflow nugget).
Ok, funny new workflow from Desktop:
in DropboxYYYY-MM-DD.txt
On mobile:
And just as I finished this hack workaround to group daily post on the blog… I notice this guide on the blot dev site Group posts by date.
BRB, will be crying in the corner.
Only thing about new append workflow is that daily post are in reverse order. In my mind, latest of a day should always be on top. But prepends are not as easy.
❄️☕️ Tried the recent official Aeropress Cold Brew recipe and… not terrible. I think my grinder does not go fine enough, so there’s a lot of dripping while stirring.
Still, the end result was in the vicinity of cold brew: soft flavor and no acidity. Probably will try with the Prismo next time.
Just realized my iPhone DayOne was not synching to the cloud. No warning whatsoever from the client until I went into settings. This is how dataloss happens.
Now testing the grouped posts script.
📺 S01 of The Boys done, can’t wait for S02.
First post using a github issue comment webhook as source.
Looks good.
I waste time… installing recommended VPNs and testing their speed.
Just realized my 5typos.net RSS feed has been broken since May. Likely explains my diminishing fame.
Nice media weekend ↷
🎥 We watched the new Aladdin movie and enjoyed it — especially Bettina.
📺 The Boys from Amazon is so good, almost done with S01.
Reached a new weight high (79.1kg!). Getting serious again about fasting and some physical activity..
Having some problems with new lines on the new workflow.
I don’t get Garmin sport watches.
Moved all my publishing workflows from Draft 5 to Bear/Shortcuts. Fun exercise.
✈️ 4 hour delay, but on our way. SJO-FLL.
📻 Sting And Shaggy is probably the best NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert of them all.
Note to self, A and CNAME records don’t include the domain name.
This learning is worth 2 hours of my life.
Nora Keegan from Calgary, Canada, tells NPR:
Hand dryers are actually really, really loud, and especially at children’s heights since they’re close to where the air comes out
Shit, I’ve joked about Robie hating hand dryers and always asking us to not use them. Joke’s on me.
This New York-style pizza recipe might get me to start using my baking steel again.
📺 Not crazy about Star Trek Discovery season 2. The first one didn’t require much knowledge to have fun, but the second got way too Trekkie and sentimental towards the end.
👽: how was it?
👾: fascinating, especially “the lightning”.
👽: ?
👾: They have these “clouds” made of particles suspended in the atmosphere, and they discharge electricity to the ground.
👽: but, they go underground or something?
👾: nah, just guess the distance by counting.
I’m going to deep dive into mind mapping next.
🎥 DC movies are more enjoyable when they don’t take themselves so seriously. Shazam! being a prime example.
Arrived to the office blasting Eight Days a Week and remembering all my Oslo friends. Thinking about doing a friendships playlist for the morning.
Strong earthquake in Panama/Costa Rica border, but felt it very clearly in San Jose.