
Might as well accept it:

Pre-#WWDC weekends are of the few I’m ok with days flying by.

Just deployed a stable, nice looking and very portable solution for the fambiz.

But if I ever need to update it … I’m changing my last name

Angry drivers with Christian bumper stickers reassure me I won’t be alone in hell.

I will be less surprised though.

If you fail to grasp the importance of extending my WiFi … I can now tweet from the bathroom.


Just extended my WRT-54g WiFi range with new Airport Express via WDS.

I feel like a MAN.

Also, a bit annoyed that none of the kids wearing these sneaker boots don’t get my Back to the Future jokes.

Only reason I’ve noticed that Reebok boots are making a comeback is ’cause my brain keeps saying “Recalculating decade” every few hours.

Airport security checkpoints take so long that you can easily workout the process. That must be a security concern in itself.

If Pawn Stars has taught me anything, is that ending a negotiation meeting with a quick “No” … will never be followed by a commercial.


Drank, danced and was merry … bring on the #rapture.

Kcuf |kākˈôf|:

Solemn utterance intended to revoke multiple shouts of “Fuck!” as a result of reading the instructions wrong.

There’s something not quite stable about Ubuntu 11.04.

Relativity: how saying “it will be ready by End of Work Week” sounds reasonable on Monday vs. Thursday.

Sometimes you win more by loosing the argument.

Wish I listened to myself sometimes.

If you think you’re funny, you could be.

If you know you’re funny, you most likely aren’t.

Either Apple’s Dock Connector USB cables reproduce, or I’ve bought a LOT more iPod/iPhones that I’m aware off.

I’m pretty sure no monk that reached enlightenment had a drivers license.

Dreamt I had proof of alien life.

Then dreamt that I had dreamt it.

I’m a conspiracy.

Understanding my destiny, I started to rise and … WHAM!

Never find your destiny while under a table.

Personal Hitchcock moment: Reach for toothbrush and notice it isn’t dry.

Pause. Look around. Wonder.

Being online used to mean you where in front of a computer.

Nowadays you’ll hear: “Going on vacation, but I’ll be online”.

Ok. Last one, but you aren’t going to believe this:

Fuchsia is not a Brazilian singer, it’s actually a synonym for Magenta!


Turns out that Magenta is ALSO A COLOR (and not just a manly way to say pink).

We need tougher color naming laws.

I’ve just been told that “beige” is an actual color, and not a conglomerate of lesser know ones.

Investigating …

There’s a possibility that DSL will be installed at my parents place today. My level of excitements makes thankful I’m socially functional.

crasve |kras āv| verb collide violently with the realization that the Save button caused the crash… without saving.

Electricidad de vuelta en Chacao, pero tengo el presentimiento que #sinluz será trending topic este verano.

#sinluz Chacao.

Pero tranquilos, no son recortes, es ahorro obligado.

Never mind, also not working with Safari or Firefox.

Something must be iffy with the proxy, which means: it’s shell time.