Change of plans: CPT ✈ DXB ✈ SIN
See you tomorrow (Ep.4)
If you tweet from a Blackberry and no one has service to read it, does it make a sound?
Finally arrived at Cape Town after 40 hours. Last part of the trip was in taxi. Let’s just say the SA’s railway system is not too reliable.
JHN → CPT by train.
See you tomorrow (ver3).
My sister just renegotiated the taxi fare.
I think I’m getting fired from my “Big Brother” job soon.
Helloooooooo South Africa!
Somebody should make an Android phone in the shape of the teardrop xPhone 5. It already has a shitload of cases in the market.
See you tomorrow (again)
As a follower of Murphy’s Law, I shouldn’t be surprised that my 11hour wifi-less flight boards at exactly the time the iPhone event starts.
Just bought some TSA approved nail clippers at the airport … and the packaging needs scissors to open.
The same crew of the Caracas-San Juan is in the San Juan-NYC leg. Pretty sure that What is “bitchy” to one is “whatever” on the next flight.
See you tomorrow.
I’m always surprised how normal users can find the appearance settings, regardless of OS.
And commit crimes against usability.
Thursday, September 29, 2011 →
Dreamt there was a snake eating a turtle on my bed … which I’m pretty sure means I should stop eating leftover chocolate cake before bed.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011 →
Acabo de escribir un email donde pido que me confirmen un número te teléfono porque el que tengo sale “tururí”.
Oh yeah … Let’s talk iPhone.
Love the idea that most of my preconceived notions about a wedding celebration are about to be shattered to bits.
If I could talk to my 21y/o self I’d say: “self, in 9 years remember to bend your knees when you pick up a CRT monitor”. #ouch
I ♥ bacon. Bacon ♥ my heart. My heart ♥ blood… I’m a vampire.
I may be an idiot, but I’m a knowlegaeble idiot.
Thursday, September 22, 2011 →
People never seem to understand the point of life …
Thursday, September 22, 2011 →
“Pregunte que sí hay” es el mejor eslogan de radio en los últimos 25 años.
Just realized that when all cars go electric, handymen are robots and legal documents use HTML5 … Geeks will rule the world.
Smart people who fake being digital idiots so they don’t have to google stuff sometimes piss me off.
Note to self: I can still drink 8 beers like a 20 year old.
But my 30y/o bladder can only hold 6.
La furia de Esteban –manifestada en tormenta– se siente sobre el municipio de Leo.
The venezuelan opposition has shown patience among themselves, and more importantly, towards their constituency.
And it’s giving results.
Synopsis says “a funny and touching road trip…” while Genre is “Drama”.
Sounds like life alright.
These network printers must have developed sentience and are conspiring against me.
It’s the only logical explanation.