every time I see a $50.000 car with its window open, I think:
“fart gone wrong”
every time I see a $50.000 car with its window open, I think:
“fart gone wrong”
Sorry about last tweet. It was a “pay with twitter” template.
I remember you with every breath I take.
Thank you for the memories… my lunch cheeseburger with onions.
“scientific method” is how I explained using two different deodorants today.
rather not say what I’m using for control group.
driving with a plastic cup with wine is the most uncivilized civilized thing I’ve ever done.
I don’t have the attention span necessary for spy novels. Between Russian names and code names, I have no idea who’s talking ½ the time.
El Gatorade es 96% agua y el vino 85%.
Un par de hielos y esto es un ‘sports drink’.
unsurprisingly, being charming in a small space with bad acoustics and very loud volume, is not one of my superpowers.
Yikes, Sublime Text 2 is an amazing improvement to what I tried a year ago. It’s making me question my text editor beliefs (& procrastinate)
Nowadays, yelling “that’s MY WOMAN!” will earn you a punch in the face… from ‘your woman’.
Most ‘Social Networking Experts’ I know aren’t very sociable.
Me thinks a lot of people are going to be wishing they owned $AAPL tomorrow.
“Prueba la dijonnaise que está excelente”
“esa es como el PertPlus de las salsas ¿no?”
Por eso nadie con dos-apellidos sale conmigo.
en aeropuerto, kioskos y restaurantes, absolutamente impresionado de la claridad en Margarita para el #7Oct.
A diferencia que en la vida, en la natación lo primero que se pierde es el estilo.
Entre más doctores conozco, más extraño a mi pediatra.
One stupid rumor about the 15in MacBook Air and I waste 45 minutes looking at Thunderbolt accessories.
“The greatest enemy of a good plan, is the dream of a perfect plan” - Carl Von Clausewitz, 1780-1831 Prussian general and military theorist
Oí al moto-taxi decir “¡Vaaaya flaaaaco!” y “¡Piiilaa goldo!” en el mismo semáforo.
No sabía que prestaban servicio de salud pública.
After seeing leaked pictures of sexy young actress, first thing I think of:
“There’s something wrong with this girl’s iPhone camera”