If Twitter or Facebook displayed their timeline as a Gantt chart… nobody would do anything fun.
♥ how NYC can go from freaky to fun, to 90’s, to crazy and back to fun, in just a few blocks.
Problem is you pay cover at every stop.
I was going to make a sarcastic comments about working on a plane… but wifi on flights is so effing cool.
Business travel is like email, it feels like work… but it ain’t.
Ya sé de donde recuerdo esta sensación: ¡estoy despechado!
Mi media naranja (+4%), no quiere nada conmigo.
Today I think I’ll be 1 in 9 million :)
Dealing with massive email list is a pain in the IMAP.
Done for today, expecting an onslaught first thing… today
After going through ~2000 support messages, I can now appreciate the one-off email with something nice to say.
The hum of the electric razor can be calming… until it goes two octaves lower and you just know —there’s a bald spot on your left cheek.
Me: are you sure I’ll make the connection at São Paulo? Her: sim senhor M: and my bag? H: even more sure. M: ? H: mesmo avião senhor M: …
Acabo de escribir “requete full”.
Por lo que no queda duda que soy de comienzos de los 80.
Thursday, September 27, 2012 →
No es que estemos polarizados, sino que nadie nos explicó para que eran las dos filas. #BájaloDeEsaNube #V07A
Thursday, September 27, 2012 →
No es que los parques no tengan luz, es que las luciérnagas son capitalistas/imperialistas/saboteadoras. #BájaloDeEsaNube #V07A
Thursday, September 27, 2012 →
No es que el teleférico este malo, es que solo funciona de bajada #BájaloDeEsaNube #V07A
Thursday, September 27, 2012 →
“Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”
Guys, really? we have nothing to counter this campaign?
I may have considerably underestimated how long it would take to hang dry my clothes.
Washing “Everything but swimsuit” now seems dumb.
1988: made horrible mug for Mom… and she showed it to all her friends.
2012: sent a hug and kiss via a tweet, and she RT.
When InboxZero™ becomes ArchiveForLaterSearch®