📺 On Good Omens, a TV show that makes me want to read the book. Which is not common praise from me.

ANIMA with Radiohead’s Thom Yorke sounds like fun.

If you can’t define the task, maybe you aren’t ready to start it. Doesn’t mean the initial definition must be set in stone, just a clear direction. Don’t let task surface be too wide.

Funny that Google confirmed the Pixel 4 leak.

The Microsoft Edge weekly Dev channel is out, and it ain’t bad at all.

My current solution for not being able to parse urls from rich text in iOS? I won’t post links for a while… drops🎙

Back to using Launch Center Pro. The Shortcuts app in itself is a terrible dashboard for actions.

📺 Just started Chernobyl and it’s hitting me hard. The narrative of the communist bureaucracy being a dead weight at every attempt of efficiency is much too relatable after watching chavismo destroy Venezuela.

I really need to learn to write regular expressions, not just hack ones I find online.

Radiohead’s stolen 18 minidisks will likely be my only playlist the rest of the week.

Two coffee’s too many today. Thought I was getting sick, but of course the ringing in the ears has a more logical explanation.

Back on LaunchBar for a while — its clipboard issues appear to have been fixed. The UX just feels more natural than Alfred, but it’s slower. When 4.0 ships I’ll come back to Alfred.

🎥 The Apollo 11 documentary is the first time in 5 years I’d wanted to upgrade my 720p TV. Same story I’ve seen countless times but with mind blowing detail.

Ass, meet chair

Thord D. Hedengren on tdh.se:

Remember kids, being a writer sucks. It’s like having homework all the time!

If this is how I feel about my blogs, can’t say I envy what real writers feel.

Just wasted some fun minutes on the Honest Coffee Guide website. Cool tools, and the Aeropress recipe is the one I sue.

A cup of Joe and you’re good to go (Under 6 a day and you’re A-OK)

Professor Elina Hyppönen of the University of South Australia:

Most people would agree that if you drink a lot of coffee, you might feel jittery, irritable or perhaps even nauseous — that’s because caffeine helps your body work faster and harder, but it is also likely to suggest that you may have reached your limit for the time being.

It’s 2 a day for me, any more and I go into overdrive.

First cold brew batch of the (rainy) season.

A brilliantly funny Apple privacy ad.

90% of the workday covered and on track to finish 40% of the tasks I had planned for the day. And it feels like a pretty good day. Oh my.

As if on cue, all my wyze cameras on the newest firmware won’t connect anymore. Factory reset not working either, so thinking it could be a network issue. Only thing left is changing password of WiFi, but hoping to avoid that. Really wanted to play with the new sensors.

🍿 The Wandering Earth is a cookie-cutter blockbuster based on good sci-fi. The fact it’s Chinese shifts everything a few degrees, giving all cliches a different light, and making it even more intriguing. Solid acting and amazing visuals make it a worthwhile movie.

Further down the Wyze ecosystem rabbit hole.

Explaining to Robie the connection Palpatine has with the Skywalkers, I realize how much of a Mexican novela Star Wars is when told poorly.

Land Serwis builds new Land Rover Series I

Seeking to make a truck better than the original, Land Serwis uses laser-cut frame members that are from one to six millimeters thicker than the steel Land Rover originally used.

These Series 1 Land Serwis are part of my daydreams now. The naming is off though, don’t know if it’s the article or the manufacturer.

I’m going to miss the dry season.

This Device Free Dinner video by Sesame Street is good advise for everyone.

Seems Drafts latest update fixes the prepend bug in the Dropbox workflow I’m using to post here. W00t.