
♥ how NYC can go from freaky to fun, to 90’s, to crazy and back to fun, in just a few blocks.

Problem is you pay cover at every stop.

I was going to make a sarcastic comments about working on a plane… but wifi on flights is so effing cool.

Business travel is like email, it feels like work… but it ain’t.



Ya sé de donde recuerdo esta sensación: ¡estoy despechado!

Mi media naranja (+4%), no quiere nada conmigo.

Today I think I’ll be 1 in 9 million :)


Dealing with massive email list is a pain in the IMAP.

Done for today, expecting an onslaught first thing… today

After going through ~2000 support messages, I can now appreciate the one-off email with something nice to say.

The hum of the electric razor can be calming… until it goes two octaves lower and you just know —there’s a bald spot on your left cheek.



Me: are you sure I’ll make the connection at São Paulo? Her: sim senhor M: and my bag? H: even more sure. M: ? H: mesmo avião senhor M: …

Acabo de escribir “requete full”.

Por lo que no queda duda que soy de comienzos de los 80.

No es que estemos polarizados, sino que nadie nos explicó para que eran las dos filas. #BájaloDeEsaNube #V07A

No es que los parques no tengan luz, es que las luciérnagas son capitalistas/imperialistas/saboteadoras. #BájaloDeEsaNube #V07A

No es que el teleférico este malo, es que solo funciona de bajada #BájaloDeEsaNube #V07A

“Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”

Guys, really? we have nothing to counter this campaign?

I may have considerably underestimated how long it would take to hang dry my clothes.

Washing “Everything but swimsuit” now seems dumb.

1988: made horrible mug for Mom… and she showed it to all her friends.

2012: sent a hug and kiss via a tweet, and she RT.


When InboxZero™ becomes ArchiveForLaterSearch®

my extreme sport: crazy taxi rides.

I’ve stared at death in headlights once again.

I love the smell of SIM cards in the morning.

A man, a task, and the sudden realization that the spreadsheet before him has been filled with the wrong data.


I’m amazingly fluent in the international hand sign of ‘One Draft Beer Please’.

I wish upon star to answer this email by saying “I have no idea what you’re talking about… but NEITHER DO YOU”.

nada contra español: es un idioma para poesía, humor, romance y drama en general.

Pero no “Características del Servidor Transcodificador”

translating tech documentation to español makes want to smoke something illegal.

Drunk enough to be sincere… sober enough to be serious.

Wish: I wish I were home. Hope: I hope this bus heads home.

Verbs and travel… it’s complicated.



Detrás de cada kilo de chalequeo hay 35.274 onzas de verdad… O 4.227 copas por cada litro.
