
Creo que el próximo debería ser Páez, y de ahí un esqueleto de Presidente cada dos semanas. Estaríamos listos para el 2012.

Watching my grandmother struggle with her DVD player makes me wish bad thoughts for some genius UX designer.

Como diría mi abuela: “mierda que pea”. Felicitaciones a los casados.

¡Ay Caracas! Sometimes, I love to hate this city.

The rest of the time, it’s the other way around.

Screams, fireworks, people singing and car horns playing.

It’s not that we used to be a colony; we just love a good party.

Outsmarted by an octopus.

I wonder if he does financial planning.

Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears … fuck, I lost my notes.

Hang-on, I’ll be right back.

I’m reading a book about being productive while working remotely, and I keep falling asleep.

This is not a good sign.

Oyendo este partido me siento como en el 12 de Abril.

If you tell me “look at the bright side” and don’t get -or care- about my Monty Python reference … don’t waste your time, I have principles

Being a geek is all about focusing «How?» and never paying attention to the «Why?»

5 hour wait to apply for new passport was rewarded with an all-you-can-eat Brazilian place in the middle of nowhere. #Fatso

Haven’t laughed that hard in a movie theater in a while: The A-Team rocks (★★★★☆)

En las próximas 24 horas se va a joder una comida: o no se puede salir a cenar, o ni de broma me paro en una panadería a desayunar.

My internet connection is so slow, this bad joke still needs 25 minutes to download.

Btw, viva Mexico!

There is a 50% chance this marriage will produce a Chicago Cubs fan.

We really need some sort of parenthood pre-screening.

Now back to the regular geeky programing, for any follower I have left.

I think the US leaves as an accepted member of the football world. Just stop calling it soccer.

The web detox has been mostly good over the last week, but I’m getting withdrawal symptoms now.

P1 next week is to get a 3.5G modem.

No sane person should live under these internet speeds.

The huge butterfly in my bathroom wall is either:

  1. A perv,
  2. Very relaxed with human presence,
  3. Dead.

Off to bed. Thankful that a late night email opened the possibility of a project. Specially since an earlier email closed another one.

2 hours and 20 minutes to download 378MB. Sigh. I miss Oslo.

  1. The Story gets told.

Every family has one. And today, you get to hear it for the gazillion time.

Fathers Day Lunch Bingo:

  1. Somebody points out that he was already a dad at your age …
  1. Dad tries to get out of something (which he never does either way) ’cause “it’s my day” …


Emocionado por las eminentes fiestas patronales.

I just had a “brownie filled cookie”.

Let the record show I died a happy fatso.

I think Safari 5 has a money saving mode. If I go to and search for IPS, it crashes every time.