

3 eBooks, 2 movies and 1 TV season … and I will probably fall asleep.

Media overkill is an understatement.

About to watch: Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World.


A lady with a Kindle 3 sat next to me on the train. The contrast of the screen looks amazing.

Damn, I’m now going to buy a new Kindle.

Just had tap wine and bottled water.


London → Paris

Mind the écart.

When in doubt, order the house wine. It’s like a pizza: usually cheap, goes down easy, and every place has a good enough version.

My dad on why he travels to certain places on his vacations:

“when you live in chaos, you crave order”.

Trust me, wise man.

If you’re having a great time with your family in Borough Market, DO NOT go to

Fake Français imbecile.

So ashamed. Fell asleep during the ENTIRE tour bus in Athens.

Will try again tomorrow with more than 2 hours of sleep.

#culture #fail

Boston ✈ London ✈ Istanbul.

See you in 8.000 Km!

Some people are born 2 shots behind. Amazing the fun when they catch up.

Gotta love somebody who describes his nephew as a “care-bear on acid”.

At my first American wedding rehearsal dinner. Hopefully I’ll remember all the same drinks for tomorrow.

I’m at my most spiriytual on the back of a Boston cab.

West Palm Beach ✈ Boston

Just dreamt I was “at home” in Oslo.

Stupid brain.

San Juan ✈ Miami

Que cosa mas grande, chico.

Serious family business talk + mojitos + Peruvian restaurant = funniest food order mom has ever made.

Need to leave Puerto Rico soon. Too. Much. Food.


Caracas ✈ San Juan, PR

Everyone should buy an one-way ticket sometime in their live.

And by live, I mean life.

¿Alguien sabe algún local en la zona Hatillo - Los Naranjos con wifi decente? Gracias!

After hearing my first two songs: “Hurts like Listerine” and “5 blades agains my cheek”, my manager told me to stop writing in the shower.

Do you ever try to use The Force to pull your iPhone from across the room?

No? Oh. Eh, right… Me neither, that would be silly.

Friend, I absolutely respect your spiritual beliefs, not your FWD emails on the topic. If god needs to talk to me, s/he can google my email.

Dreamt I was late for my final physics exam. Woke up in cold sweat. I do not want to be 17 ever again.

Kids, always remember to keep your distance from the car with vomit on the driver’s door. #HIMYM

Few things suck my time –and I enjoy as much– as when a friend asks: Which Windows Laptop should I buy for $900?

(Portégé R700 or ASUS U30)

I think my friends are getting tired of me saying “I have good news and bad news”.

If you’re one of them, I have good news and bad news …