
It amuses me to know Chavez uses this US based, venture capitalist financed, web service to manage his communist revolution.

Fairness is such a human value, we dreamt up an afterlife so we could digest the most horrid injustices.

In my travels, no country received me with as much goodwill as Norway. The Vikings are peaceful people, but messing with them is a bad idea.

Roundup!!! the word I’ve been looking for the last 15 minutes is ROUNDUP.

Anyone know a good brain defragmenter wetware?

Perder ganando. Venezuela y su #Vinotinto comparten mas que la nacionalidad.

Regardless of the server-farm size, there must be a freaked out Sysadmin at Apple right now.

“I can hear them clicking refresh …”

A diferencia de otros, pido cadena. Un mensaje de unión nos beneficia a todos … a menos que el odio sea mayor que el orgullo nacional.

La Vinotinto olvido la regla #1 de transito en Venezuela: el fiscal puede decir una vaina, pero pila pa donde van los carros.

A friday on the middle of July.

Is the internet even on‽


Would Be a Great Band Name would be a lousy band name.

Corrección del tweet anterior: no estas en una humanidad unida por el destino … estas en una cola de mierda llena de coño de madres toditos.

Sé positivo: no estas en trafico, estas en una inmensa caravana de graduación del colegio de la vida.

“Se le notifica a nuestra distinguida clientela …” es sinónimo de “Miren coño e’ madres …”


You know what they say about guys with big LED displays …


Which is how I know geeks are not as cool as we think we are.

  1. Death
  2. Taxes
  3. DNS

I truly don’t completely understand any of the above.

Uno a veces no sabe si es serio o aburrido.

Y creo que si uno lo tiene que preguntar, la respuesta es obvia.

Just finished Game of Thrones. Immediately bought A Clash of Kings.

Debating when is the best time to watch the HBO series.

If drunk, divide outlook by 1.000. If sober, multiply by 100.

If unsure… get a drink a read tweet again.

Cancerígenos y cancerígenas …

Espero que la cadena arranque con un “Previously on Lost …” por que a mi ya se me olvido que dijo este carajo en ultimo capitulo.

Traffic, It’s What’s for Dinner.

Dammit, feeling so groggy.

Game of Thrones book got all epic on me last night and went to bed way past my bedtime hour.

Search for news about increased gravity a failure. Therefore my weight isn’t lying.

Therefore therefore, I’m weekend fatso.

Kids, if you ever do the dishes after a big feast, don’t lean on the counter.

Your belly (among other things) will end up wet.

Shuffle puso solito: Arjona, Franco de Vita y Mecano. Ninguna fue adelantada.

Desenmascarado por aleatoriedad.

Today I yelled “coming!” to my phone as I ran to pick it up.

I’m not getting old … my iPhone just lacks features.

Apple, Microsoft, Sony and now Nintendo …

This is the geeks equivalent of Shark Week.

Seems like a good week to clean up iTunes library.

Byebye #BBM. I start evangelizing #iMessage today.

(BTW, stupid name Apple)

The awe in my dog’s face after yelling from a second floor: “Stop that! I’m watching you”, must be similar to how Moses looked.