
Back from vacation, the slogan: “Colombia: the only risk is wanting to stay”

Is brilliant AND accurate.

En Andrés Carne de Res Chía, y después directo al aeropuerto.

Voy a desayunar alka-seltzer.

Last week: “Given the past 5 days, I hope to recognize the tech industry when I come back.”

Didn’t say it ironically enough. Sorry Steve.

Turistiando en Colombia no puedo evitar pensar que a Venezuela le sobra materia prima, pero le falta mucha mercancía, para igualar.

Experienced Colombian culture by having aguaardiente shots.

Never knew the hangover could start while I was still drunk.

I love my Kindle 3G. Finished book while boarding, bought two more as I sat down.

If only they didn’t ask me to turn it off for takeoff.


Really digging the Embraer 190 layout.

Reporte aeropuerto: sin duda alguna el gate con el mejor caos es vuelo a Lisboa. La gente del vuelo a Panamá con nuevo gate, 2nd lugar.

Taking a 10 day vacation. At the mercy of open WiFi.

Given the past 5 days, I hope to recognize the tech industry when I come back.

#AyCaracas me mentas la Madre comiendote la luz, pero te frenas para que la mami cruce frente tuyo.

Esta ciudad merece un reality show.

I’ve made a huge tiny mistake with some passwords.

I’m a walking zero-day vulnerability.

Need to take a shower after getting home and playing with my 5 slobbering dogs.

Can’t wipe smile from my face though.

50 minutes and a few dozen copy/paste’s into Google Translate later … my norwegian credit card is activated again.

Jeg trenger en øl.

Hmm. Second time in two weeks that the Lion Finder goes berserk on me.

Relaunches itself, but it never fully comes back.

Wow, Google buys Motorola. I imagine a bunch of Android licensees now regret not buying Palm.

Party Buses: two things that make me throw-up independently —moving vehicles and alcohol— combined for maximum effect.


Done with A Storm of Swords. Good, but not as great as previous two.

Going to take a break into SciFi and then come back.

Somedays I looks at myself in the mirror and can’t help but wonder … why didn’t I add haircut to my tasks list sooner?

Crap, crap, crap, crap.

When they say RTFM … I should read the effing manual.

Si alguna vez viste Bambi, y tienes mascotas, siempre que lavas los platos hay un momento que los vez y piensas … what if?

Ironically, my iPhone has never misspelled “Damn Autocorrect”.

Just wrote this on a chat to justify myself:

“I was drinking wine. Never my best drink for the fortitude of the mind.”

My body must have an auto-balancing life expectancy system.

Why else would I crave a Fast Food burger after exercising?

My iPhone just looks up from twitter and whispers “Dumbass”.

After leaving an underground parking my BlackBerry would stare at me with no signal, as if saying:

What. Just. Happened?

Economics is engineering with currency instead of units … and low disregard for gravity, safety factor and accuracy.

Not that I ever got when to use it … but Facetime is not working for me on Lion.

Al parecer hay barberías que ahora abren los lunes.

Wine, the answer to … most things.


Ok. I drank the Kool-Aid, OS X 10.7 Lion is pretty awesome.