Lucky in Love

Even when flying alone for work, I arrive way too early at airports. I even check the weight of my carry-on. Why? rules always seem to apply to me. Some would say I’m unlucky, and I don’t mind. Because I’m lucky in love.

I don’t play the lottery or gamble. Yes, in the back of my mind the fact that I’m almost as likely to win by not playing than playing probably sends the wrong vibes on the roulette table. Still, I play for fun when the situation calls for it, but never expect to win. Yet, I don’t mind. I’m lucky in love.

Being street smarts doesn’t apply to me. If there’s a long line to be made, I stand in the back and wait. I don’t have the charm or agency to be able to skip it. Again, don’t mind. I’m lucky in love.

I wasn’t always lucky in love. For a long time I thought love was hard work. It isn’t. Marriage and relationships are hard work. But loving and being loved should be effortless. You need to be yourself and love the other person as they are. Then work hard on everything around it. For 11 years I’ve been lucky in love with Ana. And it’s all the luck I need.
